CPHF convergence issues

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Hello Community,

I am having issues with MP2 computation of a free-radical. The output file is detailing a CPHF convergence problem. I have not found any good documentation on use of the CPHF module (or modifying via set:cphf). I am wondering if the CPHF convergence issues are indicative of a more serious issue, either with the molecule being studied or the compilation of NWChem itself.

Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Input file:
start molecule

C      0.15479516    -1.18470578     0.05893786
C      1.50677897    -1.26642663     0.01193217
C     -0.51021794     0.01046744     0.05516528
C      0.23978402     1.15607178    -0.00182162
C      2.19580460    -0.09444839    -0.04795846
C      1.60520349     1.11719213    -0.06252146
O     -0.49659137    -2.39243979     0.11484051
C     -1.85424758    -2.41959464    -0.10210528
H     -2.49214813    -1.91643478     0.61793957
H     -2.17448068    -3.33772517    -0.57698904
H     -1.58503980     0.05067007     0.11190135
H      2.16324064     2.04507360    -0.11101097
H      3.28327334    -0.13842140    -0.09032743
O     -0.30659379     2.38464174     0.00062540
C     -1.73061390     2.49421335     0.06266774
H     -1.93260543     3.56427882     0.04996806
H     -2.11613358     2.05372826     0.98647491
H     -2.19640227     2.01558968    -0.80384208
H      1.99197264    -2.23509817     0.01869640

basis spherical
C library 6-31G*
H library 6-31G*
O library 6-31G*

 maxiter 300

sym off
adapt off
maxiter 200

 print cphf_cont

task mp2 optimize

task mp2 freq

and output error:
                 90   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    51.6
                 91   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    51.7
                 92   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    51.9
                 93   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    52.0
                 94   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    52.2
                 95   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    52.3
                 96   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    52.4
                 97   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    52.6
                 98   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    52.7
                 99   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    52.9
                100   20  2.7034E-05  1.7624E-04    1.0000    53.0
  ga_iter_lsolve: exceeded max iters ... aborting solve
 cphf did not converge      100
 This error has not yet been assigned to a category

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