naming convention of the tarball

Gets Around

we have discussed this subject already (see
Could you, when making new releases keep the current naming convention:
The reason for this is that a regex is setup on Fedora packaging page that monitors for new Nwchem releases:
Monitoring is used to automatically open request for building of new Nwchem RPMS.



Forum Regular
Hi Marcin,

I have changed the default name that the tarball builder generates. However, I am not sure whether this is exactly the format that you want (I was not part of the previous discussion). So my script now will generate something like:


Is this what you want or do you rather have


Currently the revision number is simply the subversion revision number of the revision I am tarring up. That is a number I can extract automatically. The usual major.minor.bugfix number is something that needs to be generated by hand which is tedious to do. Please see the build_nwchem_src_distro for what I do. If you want me to do something else, please let me know.


Gets Around

i was was asking for keeping the naming convention.
The latest naming change resulted in a false positive here:

There must be a way to distinguish between a stable release and a development snapshot,
that can be easily extracted using a regular expression. Please see


Forum Regular
Hi Marcin,

Ok, I see your point. So if I upload new release revisions as


but development snapshots as


then the development snapshot is not picked up by your regex but a release revision is.

Shall we do it that then?

Best wishes, Huub

Gets Around
Yes, let's keep the naming convention you suggest.

Forum Regular
Hi Marcin,

Just in case anyone is interested: I have updated the script nwchem/contrib/distro-tools/build_nwchem_src_distro such that it will look in the <working directory>/src/config/makefile.h for the setting of RELEASE (only 1 uncommented setting is allowed). If the variable is set to a release number the script will assume that it is generating a release tar-ball and otherwise that it is generating a development snapshot. Based on that and the naming convention described above the script will create a directory and associated tar-ball name. This way all tar-balls should have "standard" names from now on.

Best wishes, Huub

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