Using prebuild GA with NWchem 6.3

Just Got Here
Hi All,

Is it possible to use a pre-build GA rather than autobuilding it for the current version of NWchem? If yes, could someone point to the instructions on how to do it? Thanks!

Forum Vet
Here is what you should able to do. In my example I am using the last GA tarball available, i.e. ga-5-3b.tgz

  1. cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/tools
  2. tar xzf ga-5-3b.tgz
  3. make GA_DIR=ga-5-3b
  4. cd ..
  5. make link

The only catch is that you need to set the variable GA_DIR to the name of the GA library you are using (under the
tools directory)

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Compiling NWChem