Convergence problem...

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Hi, I'm having trouble getting optimizing a system..
It gives the error as

dft optimize failed                                                                     0
This type of error is most commonly associated with calculations not reaching convergence criteria

This is the inout (.nw) file I'm using ..

start ho_hocl

geometry units angstroms
O                  0.33520249    2.39077715   -0.00683931
H -0.37981087 0.74868511 0.17285391
O -0.82593007 -0.08154900 -0.00959877
Cl 0.27430978 -1.31115211 -0.00263665
H 1.29229047 2.31606903 -0.00797856

  • library 6-311++G**

mult 2
xc m06-2x
iterations 2000000000000

task dft optimize
task dft freq

Hope someone can help me with this.
Thanks a lot.

Forum Vet
A way to converge this input is by first converging a HF calculation, then using the HF Molecular Orbital to start
the m06-2x calculation.
The input below implement this methods.
Cheers, Edo

start ho_hocl

geometry units angstroms
O                  0.33520249    2.39077715   -0.00683931
H                 -0.37981087    0.74868511    0.17285391
O                 -0.82593007   -0.08154900   -0.00959877
Cl                 0.27430978   -1.31115211   -0.00263665
H                  1.29229047    2.31606903   -0.00797856


 *  library 6-311++G**

mult 2
xc hfexch
vectors input atomic output hf.mos
task dft

xc m06-2x
grid fine
vectors input hf.mos output m062x.mos

task dft

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I tried the input you gave but still I'm getting error saying the optimization failed and calculations not reaching the convergence criteria.

Forum Vet
Please post or upload the full output/error file.

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here it is... hope you can help me with this.. Thanks

   3 O                |   2 H                |     1.83455  |     0.97080
4 Cl | 3 O | 3.20503 | 1.69603
5 H | 1 O | 1.84364 | 0.97561
number of included internuclear distances: 3

                                internuclear angles
center 1 | center 2 | center 3 | degrees
2 H | 3 O | 4 Cl | 102.39
number of included internuclear angles: 1

dft optimize failed 0
This type of error is most commonly associated with calculations not reaching convergence criteria
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:

Forum Vet
OK, This is not the full output file, but it's probably enough.
The geometry optimization is now running out of geometry steps (from the default 20).
In other words, your run has computed 20 energy points, but the minimum has not been reached yet.
To fix this, please add the following to your input file.
 maxiter 99

task dft optimize
task dft freq

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It worked.
Thank you very much Edoapra.
By the way so can we change the '99' to some other number (greater than 20) ??

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one more thing, Is there a way to get partial charges of each atom ..
Thanks a lot.

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