CISDTQ not compiled 0 ??

Just Got Here
Hello all,
I'm trying to run a CISDTQ calculation, to be precise I have to do a geometry optimization.
To test NWchem's functionality I was running the following input:


start H2
title "Polyacetilene h2 cisdtq"
memory total 16000 mb
geometry units bohr
symmetry group d2h
H -0.75 0.000000 0.000000
H 0.75 0.000000 0.000000

H library 6-31g* file /usr/local/nwchem-6.3/data/libraries/6-31gs
io ga
freeze atomic
thresh 1.0d-6

task tce

Unfortunatly I get the following error:


t1 file size   =                1
t1 file name = ./H2.t1
t1 file handle = -999
T2-number-of-boxes 4

t2 file size   =               10
t2 file name = ./H2.t2
t2 file handle = -996

t3 file size   =               23
t3 file name = ./H2.t3

t4 file size   =              100
t4 file name = ./H2.t4

CISDTQ iterations
Iter Residuum Correlation Cpu Wall
CISDTQ not compiled 0
A feature requested has not yet been implemented

For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:

0:0:CISDTQ not compiled:: -1

For what I could see the CISDTQ algorithms are compiled, so I don't understand why I get this kind of error.

Can someone help me?

Thank you very much!

Just Got Here
Going in the code, in the cisdtq directory in tce,
I found that there is a -DCCSDTQ flag called by a ifdef.

Where do I have to set the variable to set this flag to true??
I'm not sure that this is the solution.

Thank you again,

Forum Vet
Quote:Barborini Dec 19th 2:15 am
Going in the code, in the cisdtq directory in tce,
I found that there is a -DCCSDTQ flag called by a ifdef.

Where do I have to set the variable to set this flag to true??
I'm not sure that this is the solution.

Thank you again,

Please do the following to get the Q components of TCE compile

cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/tce
make clean
make CCSDTQ=y
cd ..
make link

"... The distributed binary executables do not contain CCSDTQ and its derivative methods, owing to their large volume. The source code includes them, so a user can reinstate them by setenv CCSDTQ yes and recompile TCE module..."

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