Raman test fails

Just Got Here
Dear nwchem users,

I am trying to do a Raman calculation with nwchem-6.3. The calculation failed, so I went on to try the first example for Raman calculation in


The test also fails with the following error message:

                           NWChem Dynamic CPHF Module

   scftype = RHF 
nclosed = 5
nopen = 0
variables = 720
num. vecs = 3
tolerance = 1.0D-04
max. iter = 50

SCF residual:    3.7447847917159877E-008

Iterative solution of linear equations
 No. of variables      360
No. of equations 3
Maximum subspace 33
Convergence 1.0D-04
Start time 52.8

  iter   nsub   residual    time 
---- ------ -------- ---------
dft_CPHF2_read: failed to open./h2o_raman_1.aoresp_fiao_f1
File ./h2o_raman_1.aoresp_fiao_f1 does not exist, proceed to generate (z1,Az1)
    1      3    2.38D+00      57.3
gasvd: failed*********
For more information see the NWChem manual at http://nwchemgit.github.io/index.php/NWChem_Documentation

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                    

Any help in resolving the error will be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Forum Regular
Hi, Which version of NWChem are you using ?


Just Got Here

I am using Nwchem 6.3. Here is some more detailed information

   compiled        = Fri_Nov_08_15:59:54_2013
source = /misc/condmat/opt/nwchem-6.3
nwchem branch = 6.3
nwchem revision = 24652
ga revision = 10379

Best regards

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