Compiling ECCE v7 on Ubuntu 13.10

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Using the instructions found at, I am getting the following error during the final build when compiling:

Checking application software build

ERROR: Missing executables in /home/will/tmp/ecce-v7.0:

The ECCE 'create_ecce_bin' command failed.  The issue(s)
identified must be resolved before the ECCE distribution can be built.

The problem appears to be during the wxWidget build, where I am getting these errors:

configure: WARNING: system tiff library not found, will use built-in instead
configure: WARNING: Xinerama not found; disabling wxDisplay
configure: WARNING: libSM not found; disabling session management detection
configure: WARNING: libgnomeprintui not found, library will use standard PostScript printing
configure: WARNING: wxMetafile is not available on this system... disabled
configure: WARNING: GStreamer 0.10 not available, falling back to 0.8
configure: WARNING: GStreamer 0.8/0.10 not available.

I'm not sure why these errors are occuring. I am not sure about the others, but I definitely have gstreamer0.10 installed. I have build logs, but don't see a way to attach a file to this post.

Gets Around
/Normally/ warnings aren't fatal, so the messages may be unrelated. Are you on 32 or 64 bit? Native installation or a VM?

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64 bit native.

It's probably worth noting that each build step concludes with "wxWidgets built" or whatever. None of the build steps die, the final binaries just don't seem to get created (I tried to "find" them and they didn't end up anywhere else).

Quote:Ohlincha Dec 16th 9:53 pm
/Normally/ warnings aren't fatal, so the messages may be unrelated. Are you on 32 or 64 bit? Native installation or a VM?

Gets Around
I've reproduced the issue in a 64 bit VM running Ubuntu 13.10. I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.

At a first glance it seems to be related to missing symbols in and

Update: It seems that the following lib files aren't created in 3rdparty/wxwidgets/lib when building on ubuntu:

Gets Around
The missing libraries appear to be a red herring -- you can fix most of them by installing the following packages.
sudo apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev libgconf2-dev libtiff-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev

This will yield the libwx_gtk2_media-2.8 files.

The binaries are still not created, however.

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Well, just for fun I tried compiling the installer in an Ubuntu 12.04 VM and then running the binary to install under my normal computer 13.10. It ran okay, but when I import a calculation file from an output file in viewer, the only thing I get under the Properties menu is Calculation Summary (what's missing are Wave Step Plots, Dipole Moment, Quadrapole Moment, MOs, Energies, Vibrational Frequencies, Mulliken Charges). I tried opening the same output in ECCE under 12.04 (from the same install binary) and it works just fine. I have no idea if this information is useful in any way.

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Shameless self bump to see if anyone is still looking into this.

Gets Around
I haven't had time to continue looking into this. I think the solution for now is to use debian, centos/scientific linux, fedora or an earlier version of ubuntu. There have been plenty of issues with ubuntu using slightly different and incompatible libraries in the past.

As for the the lack of properties in the viewer output, it probably partly depends on what code your inputting (nwchem, gaussian?). The parser scripts are all written in perl, and can be run from the command line so you can test that (think they are in apps/scripts/parsers).

Gary might have a better idea.

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No problem. I'm actually having a similar problem under Ubuntu 12.04. For some reason, when I load an NWChem output, none of the properties parse correctly but if I switch to a different context and then back the properties are there. Also, for some reason I can't switch to the context using the context box, I have to use the context menu to make the switch. Very strange behavior.

Gets Around
Just to confirm: are these jobs set up, run and managed by ecce, or are you e.g. somehow importing a file generated using ecce_print from a job run completely outside of ecce?

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I'm using ecce_print from a job run completely outside of ecce.

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Resurrecting a dead thread...

I had a similar problem under Debian Jessie.

Checking application software build

ERROR: Missing executables in /home/will/tmp/ecce-v7.0:

The ECCE 'create_ecce_bin' command failed.  The issue(s)
identified must be resolved before the ECCE distribution can be built.

Looking through the make log, I found that the problems were with some of the headers in $ECCE_HOME/src/inv/flclient/flfreetype.c and flfreetype.h had things like
#include <freetype/ftoutln.h>
in them, but make wasn't able to find these headers because my directory is /usr/include/freetype2, not /usr/include/freetype. I changed the two lines that were pointing to the wrong place, reran build_ecce and got my installer.

Hope this helps someone else.

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I've been asked to be more explicit in posting how I fixed this.

In the files $ECCE_HOME/src/inv/flclient/tlfreetype.c and $ECCE_HOME/src/inv/flclient/flfreetype.h, I looked at all of the lines that started with #include and everywhere that I saw an include that had freetype/ in it I changed it to freetype2/.

So, in flfreetype.c I changed
#include <freetype/ftoutln.h>

#include <freetype2/ftoutln.h>

And in flfreetype.h I changed
#include <freetype/freetype.h>

#include <freetype2/freetype.h>

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