how to fix origin?

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Dear all,

I want to fix origin for comparing charge difference (in bonding)
both even using "unset geometry actlist" nwchem changes automatically the origin
and atom positions in output differes from input.

any comment and help appreciated.

thanks in advance.

Computational and Theoretical Physics Group, AEOI, Tehran, Iran

Forum Regular
Hi Yavar,
I think that specifying the geometry as

 geometry nocenter noautosym noautoz 

should do it. Let me know if that does not work.
Best wishes, Huub

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Dear Huub

it works so well and my problem solved

thanks for your instructive comment



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Dear Huub

So sorry for my late answer,
I am new NWchem user, and new member

I should say thanks again, my prob completely solved,

Best wishes


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