B2PLYP and cgmin

Just Got Here
Dear NWChem users and developers,
I'm trying to apply the double-hybrid functional B2PLYP together with the quadratic convergence algorithm, and after the successful SCF algorithm for the DFT part, I'm getting the following error message:

 mp2:scftype absent        1
 An error occured in the Runtime Database

Below please find a minimal example for the water molecule.

Is there a problem with my input or is this feature not implemented yet?

Thanks a lot,

start test
title "Test B2PLYP with cgmin"

geometry units angstrom
   O      0.00000000     0.00000000     0.11726921
   H      0.75698224     0.00000000    -0.46907685
   H     -0.75698224     0.00000000    -0.46907685

basis spherical
  * library cc-pvdz

  xc pbe96 HFexch 0.53 becke88 0.47 lyp 0.73 mp2 0.27
  dftmp2 semidirect

task dft energy

Forum Vet
The cgmin part of the DFT code is not compatible with the dftmp2 method yet.

Forum Regular
Hi Vincent,
I looked into this and the problem was mainly a bit of plumbing passing the right information around. So I have just fixed this and checked it into the development version. I have uploaded a patch for this problem.

These are the steps needed to apply the patch
2) wget http://nwchemgit.github.io/images/Cgmin-DoubleHybrid.patch.gz
3) gzip -d Cgmin-DoubleHybrid.patch.gz
4) patch -p0 < Cgmin-DoubleHybrid.patch
5) recompile

Best wishes, Huub

Just Got Here
Hi Huub,
thank you very much! It works perfectly.

Best regards,

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