Pneb w diag: ZHEEV failed

Gets Around
I am trying to perform pseudo surface with adsorbed molecule optimization with smearing, similar to the example in the plane wave section but it aborts with this cryptic error. My error is below, suggestiosn how to solve this particular error and improve my setup of calculating adsorbed molecules on surfaces would be appreciated


title "Ni(111)+H2S adsorbed on Ni3 site"

memory 20000 mb

permanent_dir /Users/jbaltrus/Ni_CH4_H2S/Ni111_H2S_Ni3_nwchem
scratch_dir /Users/jbaltrus/Ni_CH4_H2S/Ni111_H2S_Ni3_nwchem

geometry center noautosym noautoz print
system crystal
               lat_a   4.983689 
lat_b 4.983689
lat_c 16.069165
alpha 90.0d0
beta 90.0d0
gamma 120.0d0
             H                     0.828106   0.172752   0.397007   
H 0.947248 0.609479 0.394883
S 0.700332 0.340244 0.367160
Ni 0.000000 0.000000 0.253228
Ni 0.333333 0.166667 0.126614
Ni 0.166667 0.333333 0.000000
Ni 0.500000 0.000000 0.253228
Ni 0.833333 0.166667 0.126614
Ni 0.666667 0.333333 0.000000
Ni 0.000000 0.500000 0.253228
Ni 0.333333 0.666667 0.126614
Ni 0.166667 0.833333 0.000000
Ni 0.500000 0.500000 0.253228
Ni 0.833333 0.666667 0.126614
Ni 0.666667 0.833333 0.000000

set nwpw:cif_filename Ni-band
set includestress .false.

set nwpw:minimizer 2 # Grassman LMBFGS minimizer
set nwpw:cif_filename Ni111_H2S_Ni3.opt # create a CIF file containing optimization history
set nwpw:lcao_skip .true.
set nwpw:kbpp_ray .true.
set nwpw:kbpp_filter .true.

  smear fermi 
scf anderson outer_iterations 0 kerker 2.0
ewald_ncut 8
ewald_rcut 3.0
xc pbe96
np_dimensions -1 -1 4

  1. generate initial wavefunctions w/ low cutoff energy
  loop 10 10
cutoff 10.0
task band energy

  1. increase cutoff energy and number of iterations
  cutoff 50.0
loop 10 100

  1. 3x3x1 k-point mesh
 monkhorst-pack 3 3 1
set nwpw:cif_filename nickel331.opt
driver; clear; maxiter 400; end; task band optimize ignore

  1. 5x5x1 k-point mesh
 monkhorst-pack 5 5 1
set nwpw:cif_filename nickel551.opt
driver; clear; maxiter 400; end; task band optimize ignore

  1. 7x7x1 k-point mesh
 monkhorst-pack 7 7 1
set nwpw:cif_filename nickel771.opt
driver; clear; maxiter 400; end; task band optimize ignore

Clicked A Few Times
I get a similar error with fermi smearing: Pneb_w_diag: ZHEEV failed 19.

When I run a job with an identical input file but without the line "smear fermi", I don't get an error, but when I include the line "smear fermi", I get the error message above. The end of the output file says:
fractional smearing parameters:
smearing algorithm = Fermi-Dirac
smearing parameter = 0.100E-02 ( 315.8 K)

energy calculation

         ======== bundled Grassmann lmbfgs iteration ========
    >>>  ITERATION STARTED AT Thu Nov 21 20:02:29 2013  <<<
iter. Energy DeltaE DeltaRho
- 10 steepest descent iterations performed
10 -0.6315233517E+02 0.00000E+00 0.68062E+00
Pneb_w_diag: ZHEEV failed 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pneb_w_diag: ZHEEV failed 19

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