The current version of NWChem 6.3 with Python 2.7.3 generates a SyntaxError on many of the Python example files on page This appears to be due to string handling in variable definitions.
An emendation which works on my machine for the basis set exponent scan is:
geometry = ("geometry noprint; symmetry d2h\n"
" C 0 0 %f; H 0 0.916 1.224\n"
x = 0.6
while (x < 0.721):
input_parse(geometry % x)
energy = task_energy('scf')
print ' x = %5.2f energy = %10.6f' % (x, energy)
x = x + 0.01
basis; C library 6-31g*; H library 6-31g*; end
print none
task python