ECCE write permissions

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      • This issue has been resolved - it was a minor linux issue rather than an issue with ECCE***

I'm trying to run NWChem jobs through ECCE, and I get the folllowing error after setting the run directory as '/local/scratch/calculations/ecce/':

"ERROR: The remote directory /local/scratch/calculations/ecce//EXP002N on uos-206553 cannot be created (no write permission?)"

How do check and change the read/write permissions of ecce for this folder?



Forum Regular
I haven't used ECCE for a while so I cannot be sure that I interpret the error message correctly. However, it seems that ECCE has a problem creating the directory on the host uos-206553. Unless you explicitly created /local/scratch/calculations/ecce on that particular machine I can imagine it simply does not exist. You should be able to check this using

  ssh ben@uos-206553 "ls -l /local/scratch"

I hope this helps.


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Hi Huub,

Thanks for this, however the folder definitely does exist as I've created it explicitly.


Quote:Huub Nov 1st 10:33 am
I haven't used ECCE for a while so I cannot be sure that I interpret the error message correctly. However, it seems that ECCE has a problem creating the directory on the host uos-206553. Unless you explicitly created /local/scratch/calculations/ecce on that particular machine I can imagine it simply does not exist. You should be able to check this using

  ssh ben@uos-206553 "ls -l /local/scratch"

I hope this helps.


Gets Around
Are you using a queue manager or submitting directly from ECCE?
If directly, have you set up access to the node using the Machine Browser?
Does the user you are submitting as exist on the execution node?
Does that user have full permissions in /local/scratch/calculations/ecce/? presumably you had to create the folder as root -- did you change ownership/permissions afterwards?

The following makes me think that you haven't:

How do check and change the read/write permissions of ecce for this folder?

You can check the permissions using
ls -lah /local/scratch/calculations/ecce/ |grep ^d

Also check

If you're going to be the only user of that directory, try
sudo chown $USER:$USER /local/scratch/calculations/ecce -R

The more information you provide, the easier it will be to understand what is going wrong.

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Dear Ohilncha,

Thanks for your detailed response - using 'chown' resolved my issue. Thanks very much!


Quote:Ohlincha Nov 3rd 5:43 pm
Are you using a queue manager or submitting directly from ECCE?
If directly, have you set up access to the node using the Machine Browser?
Does the user you are submitting as exist on the execution node?
Does that user have full permissions in /local/scratch/calculations/ecce/? presumably you had to create the folder as root -- did you change ownership/permissions afterwards?

The following makes me think that you haven't:

How do check and change the read/write permissions of ecce for this folder?

You can check the permissions using
ls -lah /local/scratch/calculations/ecce/ |grep ^d

Also check

If you're going to be the only user of that directory, try
sudo chown $USER:$USER /local/scratch/calculations/ecce -R

The more information you provide, the easier it will be to understand what is going wrong.

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