Free energy of a protein.

  • Guest -
Hello I'm trying to calculate the free energy of PDB file, with something like:
title "calculate free energy"
start FreeMD
print high
system gibbs_free
source model11.pdb
new_top new_seq
solvate box 10.0 20.0 30.0
update lists
task prepare
system gibbs_free
sd 100
task md optimize
task shell "cp gibbs_free.qrs gibbs_free.rst"
system gibbs_md
reference gibbs_free.qrs
noshake solute
print energies
task md energy
The error is "0: Failed to allocate scratch array smr4", a version without copying the rst file "could not open rst file". Would you give me some pointers on how to calculate the free energy of a protein.

  • Guest -
'Failed to allocate' error messages point to not having sufficient memory to allocate the needed arrays. You should include a memory card in the input deck specifying the amount of memory to be used by NWChem.
If you do not provide a restart file, you will always get the "could not open rst file" message. Reading this file is done before allocating memory, as the size of arrays needed depend on what is read from the input, topology and restart files.
Be aware that for the MD module, most of the memroy is in local arrays, and not in global arrays.

  • Guest -
Thanks for your help. I'll give it a go.
Much appreciated.

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