convergence threshold affected by property calculation

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I am doing a DFT property calculation to evaluate the Mulliken population (Property ; Mulliken ; end [...] Task DFT property). I noticed that the property module changes the convergence criteria from the defaults to make them more stringent as you can see from the following output lines :

                                NWChem Property Module

 itol2e modified to match energy
convergence criterion.

                                NWChem DFT Module

         Convergence on energy requested: 1.00D-07
Convergence on density requested: 1.00D-05
Convergence on gradient requested: 1.00D-06

Screening Tolerance Information
Density screening/tol_rho: 1.00D-11

Is there a way to override this in order to keep the default thresholds and speed up the calculation?

