Methodology for calculating J-couplings

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Just Got Here
Thank you very much for answering me.

Firstly, i am using version 6.5. I have requested to our system admin to update the software but still pending...

It may be fixed in a newer version. I cannot test that, sorry.

After lots of trial and error i noticed that i can run the coupling calculation but only 1 by 1. In other words, i can not compute 2 C-H couplings in the same calculation.

Please find below the input of the calculation that failed:

scratch_dir /scratch

geometry units angstroms noautosym noautoz
 C        0.04907        0.82213       -0.65775 mass 13.003355
C -1.15981 1.28999 -1.16070
H -1.20486 2.13123 -1.84724
N -2.30970 0.69954 -0.80166
C -2.24978 -0.34780 0.04068
H -3.19802 -0.80119 0.31094
N -1.15919 -0.90083 0.59434
C -0.04509 -0.28180 0.22092 mass 13.003355
N 1.37198 1.20191 -0.81802
N 1.24761 -0.57303 0.58134
C 1.66725 -1.61610 1.49685
H 1.12804 -2.53639 1.26672
H 1.44762 -1.32294 2.52807
H 2.73910 -1.77789 1.37965
C 2.03623 0.35215 -0.07465
H 3.11035 0.33755 0.05285

* library 6-31G**


spinspin 2 16 1 16 8
task scf property

Please let me know if you get the same unfinished run without error.

If you compute only 1 C-H coupling, (either spinspin 1 16 1 or spinspin 1 16 8) the calculation is fine

Many thanks in advance
