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Hey guys,

In 2014, a Basis Set Exchange contributor uploaded the DZP, TZP, QZP, 5ZP, and 6ZP basis sets as well as the corresponding augmented (ADZP, ATZP, AQZP, A5ZP, and A6ZP) and relativistic (DZP-DKH, TZP-DKH, QZP-DKH, 5ZP-DKH, and 6ZP-DKH) basis sets for various elements of the Periodic Table in the EMSL Basis Set Library. In the last four years, the above basis sets of double and triple zeta qualities for the heavier elements were developed by our research group. We have tried to include these new sets in the EMSL Basis Set Library, but we have found many problems. We appreciate if anyone helps us to overcome these problems.
