Raman Intensity String Length

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You would need to modify the source. The relevant file is $NWCHEM_TOP/src/property/raman.F, and you want to change the line

9012 FORMAT(1X,I3,F9.2,F14.4)

to something like

9012 FORMAT(1X,I3,F9.2,ES14.4)

If you are interested in resonance Raman, then you would also want to change the line

9014 FORMAT(1X,I3,F9.2,3F14.4)

to something like

9014 FORMAT(1X,I3,F9.2,3ES14.4)

Those lines are at the end of the raman_scattering subroutine. After making the changes,

cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/property
cd ../
make link

and you should be good to go.