Dummy atoms directive in NWChem

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Quote:Edoapra May 4th 9:27 am
This is the input for calculating the interaction energy between the monomers NH and CO

title 'bond_energy'
start dimer
geometry units angstrom
  N 5.286 28.124 48.085
  H 5.966 28.410 48.528
  O 7.110 29.056 50.252
  C 7.758 28.682 51.230
basis "ao basis"
  * library 6-311+g*
  bqN library N 6-311+g*
  bqH library H 6-311+g*
  bqO library O 6-311+g*
  bqC library C 6-311+g*
  xc m06-2x
  grid fine
  iterations 10000
  mon first 1 2
  mon second 3 4
task dft energy

Yes. That I know. I was not asking that.
I want to calculate the energy using H as a ghost or dummy. What should be the directive for that?

Please answer. I can't find any directive in Nwchem website to solve this.

PS: I have calculated the NH OC interaction energy. Now I want to do the same calculation using H as a dummy/ghost atom to check the deviation of the energy.