TDDFT QMD with initial coordinates and velocities from different software

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I am using version 6.6, but I figured that since the qmdrst file only has the coordinates and velocities, that it would be okay if I just put those in the input file. My new input file looks like this:
start azob_esmd

  N  15.92501823        13.43387019     20.00614147     -0.109288227    -0.451335499    0.024985776
  N  14.75505565        13.29228069     20.32166345     0.280488139     0.450921168     0.049675745
  C  16.48015184        14.69507327     19.51982881     0.188158149     0.086842127     0.267567933
  C  13.80516209        14.3825754      20.29730827     -0.454535893    -0.344033868    0.025466382
  C  17.60205128        15.30433068     20.05990035     -0.223313469    -0.416591579    0.169084395
  C  12.59547189        14.40169671     19.61766624     0.154090702     -0.263714035    0.143957238
  C  15.87427902        15.23800772     18.3904978      -0.412545471    0.006176066     -0.121755198
  C  14.19517041        15.42463513     21.14597963     0.087172634     -0.224195796    0.368719778
  C  18.11884147        16.39573307     19.4570311      -0.123974085    0.202708281     -0.067258518
  C  11.7562273 15.4981748      19.7847286      -0.294855582    -0.396411881    0.113221782
  C  16.36406488        16.42582394     17.8377081      -0.25780128     -0.375597597    -0.205901998
  C  13.39509142        16.55793554     21.25317777     0.179003477     0.08656511      -0.645800077
  C  17.52845194        17.0388514      18.3722372      0.004416124     -0.141153687    0.075358578
  C  12.15767546        16.55734849     20.62146379     0.042939693     -0.01305569     0.062056569
  H  18.07705089        14.78519916     20.91325116     -0.540364183    -0.469504597    1.267745538
  H  12.26569342        13.57921863     19.0498687      -0.456943017    1.167445352     0.072623684
  H  15.05868688        14.76230553     17.8334167      -0.350231559    -0.88800325     0.719524788
  H  15.20227659        15.34071463     21.64799125     -0.910257678    -0.158783268    0.155333412
  H  18.98899087        16.79740987     19.96051385     -0.067436394    0.390945101     0.012768121
  H  10.85195056        15.51273988     19.24448307     -0.079521164    1.110294776     0.115523
  H  15.96799423        16.74278724     16.82317034     -0.774844984    -0.881194435    0.804023873
  H  13.83016388        17.40954932     21.81724841     -0.498541088    -1.302150935    0.487317301
  H  18 18      18      0       0       0
  C  11.39356065        17.77025096     20.72300281     0.005559524     0.157559526     0.001961314
  O  11.90371056        18.86278354     20.94606928     -0.074348368    0.279309569     -0.136919177
  O  10.04040693        17.70895183     20.39823584     0.181123528     -0.062157707    -0.045611363
  H  9.6655387  18.62494094     20.55098416     1.123939463     0.426269356     -0.036034256

  fix atom 23

  * library 6-31G*

 xc xcamb88 1.00 lyp 0.81 vwn_5 0.19 hfexch 1.00
 cam 0.33 cam_alpha 0.19 cam_beta 0.46

 nroots 5
 target 1
  root 1

 nstep_nucl  100000
 thermostat  none
 rand_seed   12345
 print_xyz    100
task tddft qmd

But now I am getting the error
0:Please use the direct option:Received an Error in Communication

The last thing printed before the error was
      Screening Tolerance Information
          Density screening/tol_rho: 1.00D-10
          AO Gaussian exp screening on grid/accAOfunc:  14
          CD Gaussian exp screening on grid/accCDfunc:  20
          XC Gaussian exp screening on grid/accXCfunc:  20
          Schwarz screening/accCoul: 1.00D-08

Any help?

Thank you!