Dunning's aug-cc basis set convergence

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Forum Vet
I repeat the calculation for two times bu your input provided here using NWCHEM6.8, and get the same error
d= 0,ls=0.3,diis 29 -82.8019645120 -6.09D-07 9.92D-06 7.68D-07 585.8

Total DFT energy = -82.801964959130
Multipole analysis of the density

    2   0 0 2     10.678693    -40.941532    -40.941532     92.561757

Task  times  cpu:      615.4s     wall:      615.4s

                               NWChem Input Module

                                NWChem DFT Module

                                  LiOH charge 0

bas_tag_lib: failed to locate basis li_aug-cc-pv5z in file /.../src/basis/libraries/
bas_tag_lib: no such basis available 0
current input line :
54: task dft energy
bas_tag_lib: failed to locate basis li_aug-cc-pv5z in file /.../src/basis/libraries/
bas_tag_lib: no such basis available 0
current input line :
There is an error in the input file
bas_tag_lib: failed to locate basis li_aug-cc-pv5z in file /.../src/basis/libraries/
bas_tag_lib: no such basis available 0
which means the basis set requested is not available for Li.