NWChem 6.6-27746 error with aug-cc-pvdz but not with 6-31g

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Forum Vet
Yes, I have just tried your input file on an Artful VM and I can confirm you the breakage you reported.
You might want to tell the Ubuntu maintainer to look into NWChem release 6.8 that we will release very soon.
    date            = Wed Dec 13 10:51:19 2017

    compiled        = Sat_Aug_05_04:04:35_2017
    source          = /build/nwchem-fU7ylv/nwchem-6.6+r27746
    nwchem branch   = 6.6
    nwchem revision = 27746
    ga revision     = 10594

     Superposition of Atomic Density Guess

 Sum of atomic energies:        -128.49634957
  from getmem: mem. needed=               189886  , mem. available=               189091
 Error no.                     1  in getmem  memory overflow : call no., amount requested :                   85                45960
 texas: nerror called                   0
  current input line : 
     8: task scf