Official Candidate Release of NWCHEM6.8 cannot be compiled on MAC

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Forum Vet
Dear Edoapra
 Now the error becomes 
"_ma_trace_", referenced from:
_memory_input_ in libnwctask.a(memory_input.o)
"_ma_verify_allocator_stuff_", referenced from:
_gsopt_project_hess_grad_ in liboptim.a(mepgs_drv.o)
_mepgs_proj_grad_ in liboptim.a(mepgs_drv.o)
_driver_project_hess_grad_ in libdriver.a(opt_drv.o)
_driver_hss_reinit_ in libdriver.a(opt_drv.o)
_driver_hss_init_ in libdriver.a(opt_drv.o)
_grad_force_ in libgradients.a(grad_force.o)
_md_start_ in libnwmd.a(md_start.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1

   What I should further do to remedy this?

Thanks a lot !

   Very Best Regards!