cvr scaling bug in zcoord

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Forum Vet
cvr_scaling 0.93 does the trick
Please try the following input with cvr_scaling=0.93
geometry units angstroms print xyz autosym
   C       -6.13339        0.95187       -0.04048
zcoord ; cvr_scaling .93d0 ;end

geometry adjust
     torsion 4 5 26 27 180.0 alpha constant
     torsion 27 28 31 33 180.0 beta constant
     torsion 33 34 37 81 180.0 gamma constant
     torsion 81 82 85 106 180.0 delta constant
     torsion 106 107 130 131 180.0 zeta constant
     torsion 131 132 136 156 180.0 eta constant
     torsion 156 157 160 161 180.0 theta constant
   cvr_scaling .93d0