junk files: what are they

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These files are generated at startup to test disk availability and should disappear (they are deleted by the code) once the DFT starts running. Disk is otherwise not used in your calculation.


Quote:Marcindulak Nov 15th 9:46 am

i'm running nwchem installed from RPM on CentOS 5 x86_64:
(https://nwchemgit.github.io/Special_AWCforum/st/id262/RPMS_of_NWchem.html), with
mpiexec -np 4 nwchem
I want to limit disk io as much as possible (see the attached input below), but still
noticed periodically the presence of "*.junk.[0-3]" files.
For the CH3Cl system one junk file has a size of ~10 Megabytes.
What are the junk files are how to get rid of them?

geometry noautoz noautosym
C 8.891415 8.514659 8.352891
Cl 8.891415 8.514659 10.130231
H 8.891415 9.543977 8.0
H 9.78283 8.0 8.0
H 8.0 8.0 8.0
basis spherical
  • library aug-pc-4

mult 1
xc slater perdew81
iterations 300
convergence gradient 0.0005
convergence energy 1e-06
convergence density 1e-05
grid fine nodisk
smear 0.0
tolerances tight

set int:txs:limxmem 134217728

memory total 8000 Mb

task dft energy gradient