"stack smashing detected" for direct CCSD (development version)

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I compiled the development copy obtained on 17 Aug 2017, and the code was built using ARMCI_NETWORK=MPI-PR, and other environment variables have been described in my another post "NWChem (development version) on KNL+Infiniband"

The job is a CCSD(T)/cc-pvqz for (H2O)8 single point using both TCE and Direct method (input file has also been shown in the aforementioned post). The TCE job can finished without error, but I got "stack smashing detected" error for direct calculation.

iter correlation delta rms T2 Non-T2 Main
energy energy error ampl ampl Block
time time time
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
*** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
======= Backtrace: ========= /lib64/libc.so.6(__fortify_fail+0x37)[0x2aaab1cd6047]
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
======= Backtrace: ========= /lib64/libc.so.6(__fortify_fail+0x37)[0x2aaab1cd6047]
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
*** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
*** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***: /home/users/astar/ihpc/chiensh/nwchem-29377/bin/LINUX64/nwchem terminated
======= Backtrace: =========