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Gets Around

The last time I compiled NWChem on Windows10 two years ago. Now I have a new computer with the current MinGW installation. The same code, with the same patches, gives a non-working program.

 argument  1 = !task.nw

============================== echo of input deck ==============================
start nw

charge 0

geometry    # noautoz noautosym
 #symmetry d2h
       O   0.00000000   0.00000000   0.11663000   # 1
       H  -0.75941000   0.00000000  -0.46651000   # 2
       H   0.75941000   0.00000000  -0.46651000   # 3

basis spherical
 * library def2-svpd

 xc pbe0

task DFT property



              Northwest Computational Chemistry Package (NWChem) 6.6

                    Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
                       Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
                                Richland, WA 99352

                              Copyright (c) 1994-2015
                       Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
                            Battelle Memorial Institute

             NWChem is an open-source computational chemistry package
                        distributed under the terms of the
                      Educational Community License (ECL) 2.0
             A copy of the license is included with this distribution
                              in the LICENSE.TXT file


            This software and its documentation were developed at the
            EMSL at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a multiprogram
            national laboratory, operated for the U.S. Department of Energy
            by Battelle under Contract Number DE-AC05-76RL01830. Support
            for this work was provided by the Department of Energy Office
            of Biological and Environmental Research, Office of Basic
            Energy Sciences, and the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing.

           Job information

    hostname        = MSI
    program         = nwchem.exe
    date            = Fri Jul 28 13:16:58 2017

    compiled        = Fri_Jul_28_10:50:32_2017
    source          = D:/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/Layruoru/nwchem-6.6
    nwchem branch   = 6.6
    nwchem revision = 27746
    ga revision     = 10594
    input           = !task.nw
    prefix          = nw.
    data base       = ./nw.db
    status          = startup
    nproc           =        1
    time left       =     -1s

           Memory information

    heap     =   13107197 doubles =    100.0 Mbytes
    stack    =   13107198 doubles =    100.0 Mbytes
    global   =   26214400 doubles =    200.0 Mbytes (distinct from heap & stack)
    total    =   52428795 doubles =    400.0 Mbytes
    verify   = yes
    hardfail = no 

           Directory information

  0 permanent = .
  0 scratch   = .

                                NWChem Input Module

 Scaling coordinates for geometry "geometry" by  1.889725989
 (inverse scale =  0.529177249)

 C2V symmetry detected


                             Geometry "geometry" -> ""

 Output coordinates in angstroms (scale by  1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)

  No.       Tag          Charge          X              Y              Z
 ---- ---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
    1 O                    8.0000     0.00000000     0.00000000     0.11662800
    2 H                    1.0000    -0.75941000     0.00000000    -0.46651200
    3 H                    1.0000     0.75941000     0.00000000    -0.46651200

      Atomic Mass 

      O                 15.994910
      H                  1.007825

 Effective nuclear repulsion energy (a.u.)       9.1913052225

            Nuclear Dipole moment (a.u.) 
        X                 Y               Z
 ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     0.0000000000

      Symmetry information

 Group name             C2v       
 Group number             16
 Group order               4
 No. of unique centers     2

      Symmetry unique atoms

     1    2

                                Z-matrix (autoz)

 Units are Angstrom for bonds and degrees for angles

      Type          Name      I     J     K     L     M      Value
      ----------- --------  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------
    1 Stretch                  1     2                       0.95747
    2 Stretch                  1     3                       0.95747
    3 Bend                     2     1     3               104.95972

            XYZ format geometry
 O                     0.00000000     0.00000000     0.11662800
 H                    -0.75941000     0.00000000    -0.46651200
 H                     0.75941000     0.00000000    -0.46651200

                                internuclear distances
       center one      |      center two      | atomic units |  angstroms
    2 H                |   1 O                |     1.80936  |     0.95747
    3 H                |   1 O                |     1.80936  |     0.95747
                         number of included internuclear distances:          2

                                 internuclear angles
        center 1       |       center 2       |       center 3       |  degrees
    2 H                |   1 O                |   3 H                |   104.96
                            number of included internuclear angles:          1

  library name resolved from: environment
  library file name is: <../usr.local.lib.nwchem/libraries/>

 Summary of "ao basis" -> "" (spherical)
       Tag                 Description            Shells   Functions and Types
 ---------------- ------------------------------  ------  ---------------------
 *                         def2-svpd                  on all atoms 

                              NWChem Property Module

  itol2e modified to match energy
  convergence criterion.

                                 NWChem DFT Module

                      Basis "ao basis" -> "ao basis" (spherical)
  O (Oxygen)
            Exponent  Coefficients 
       -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
  1 S  2.26617678E+03 -0.005343
  1 S  3.40870102E+02 -0.039890
  1 S  7.73631352E+01 -0.178539
  1 S  2.14796449E+01 -0.464277
  1 S  6.65894331E+00 -0.443097

  2 S  8.09759757E-01  1.000000

  3 S  2.55307722E-01  1.000000

  4 S  7.65724532E-02  1.000000

  5 P  1.77215043E+01  0.043395
  5 P  3.86355054E+00  0.230941
  5 P  1.04809209E+00  0.513753

  6 P  2.76415444E-01  1.000000

  7 P  6.90022764E-02  1.000000

  8 D  1.20000000E+00  1.000000

  9 D  1.79920243E-01  1.000000

  H (Hydrogen)
            Exponent  Coefficients 
       -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
  1 S  1.30107010E+01  0.019682
  1 S  1.96225720E+00  0.137965
  1 S  4.44537960E-01  0.478319

  2 S  1.21949620E-01  1.000000

  3 P  8.00000000E-01  1.000000

  4 P  1.17040990E-01  1.000000

 Summary of "ao basis" -> "ao basis" (spherical)
       Tag                 Description            Shells   Functions and Types
 ---------------- ------------------------------  ------  ---------------------
 O                         def2-svpd                 9       23   4s3p2d
 H                         def2-svpd                 4        8   2s2p

 Summary of "ao basis" -> "ao basis" (spherical)
       Tag                 Description            Shells   Functions and Types
 ---------------- ------------------------------  ------  ---------------------
 O                         def2-svpd                 9       23   4s3p2d
 H                         def2-svpd                 4        8   2s2p

  Caching 1-el integrals 

            General Information
          SCF calculation type: DFT
          Wavefunction type:  closed shell.
          No. of atoms     :     3
          No. of electrons :    10
           Alpha electrons :     5
            Beta electrons :     5
          Charge           :     0
          Spin multiplicity:     1
          Use of symmetry is: off; symmetry adaption is: off
          Maximum number of iterations:  30
          AO basis - number of functions:    39
                     number of shells:    17
          Convergence on energy requested: 1.00D-07
          Convergence on density requested: 1.00D-05
          Convergence on gradient requested: 5.00D-04

              XC Information
                         PBE0 Method XC Functional
                     Hartree-Fock (Exact) Exchange  0.250          
          PerdewBurkeErnzerhof Exchange Functional  0.750          
            Perdew 1991 LDA Correlation Functional  1.000 local    
           PerdewBurkeErnz. Correlation Functional  1.000 non-local

             Grid Information
          Grid used for XC integration:  fine      
          Radial quadrature: Mura-Knowles        
          Angular quadrature: Lebedev. 
          Tag              B.-S. Rad. Rad. Pts. Rad. Cut. Ang. Pts.
          ---              ---------- --------- --------- ---------
          O                   0.60       70           7.0       590
          H                   0.35       60           7.0       590
          Grid pruning is: on 
          Number of quadrature shells:   190
          Spatial weights used:  Erf1

          Convergence Information
          Convergence aids based upon iterative change in 
          total energy or number of iterations. 
          Levelshifting, if invoked, occurs when the 
          HOMO/LUMO gap drops below (HL_TOL): 1.00D-02
          DIIS, if invoked, will attempt to extrapolate 
          using up to (NFOCK): 10 stored Fock matrices.

                    Damping( 0%)  Levelshifting(0.5)       DIIS
                  --------------- ------------------- ---------------
          dE  on:    start            ASAP                start   
          dE off:    2 iters         30 iters            30 iters 

      Screening Tolerance Information
          Density screening/tol_rho: 1.00D-11
          AO Gaussian exp screening on grid/accAOfunc:  16
          CD Gaussian exp screening on grid/accCDfunc:  20
          XC Gaussian exp screening on grid/accXCfunc:  20
          Schwarz screening/accCoul: 1.00D-08

      Superposition of Atomic Density Guess

 Sum of atomic energies:         -75.69284011
 spcart_bra2etran:  (xj-sj) =                   5
  current input line : 
    22: task DFT property
 This error has not yet been assigned to a category
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

 For further details see manual section: No section for this category                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Any suggestions?