When using DFT, an error occur while trying to read or write to disk space

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Quote:Gougourun Apr 20th 7:49 pm
Quote:Edoapra Apr 20th 4:09 pm
The error message you reported on March 30 2017
utilscratchavail: eaf_open -10002
can occur when more than 1024 files are open at the same time ... is this your case?

Thanks, I will check. If it was the case, how to avoid it?

Not sure what happens in your case. It might be that you keep opening files without closing them (just a guess ...).
I could not remember seeing this failure in DFT runs ... are you using just DFT or is hooked up to the VENUS interface?
If you re-compile NWChem with the env. variable USE_NOIO=y, the problem might disappear