Question about calculate transition electric field

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Dear Niri,

Thanks a lot for your reply!
I find that multipole_density calculate the transition multipole moment, then the moment times 2.0 when ipol==1(closed shell, spin-restricted case), then this moment is used to calculate oscillator strength and written in the output file.

1271 call multipole_density(ao_bas_han,cntr,3,
1272 1 g_td(i),tmom,20)  ! transition moments

1294 if (ipol.eq.1) then
1295 do i=1,20
1296 tmom(i)=tmom(i)*dsqrt(2.0d0)
1297 enddo

1328 osc_str = 1329 & 2.0d0/3.0d0*(tmom(2)**2+tmom(3)**2+tmom(4)**2)*apbval(n)
1330 c
1331 write(LuOut,9200) tmom(2),tmom(3),tmom(4),
1332 1 tmom(5),tmom(6),tmom(7),
1333 2 tmom(8),tmom(9),tmom(10),
1334 2 osc_str

But in my mind, I think it should times with 2.0, for both spin up and spin down, in the line 1296 and then output in the line 1331. Is there anything wrong for my understanding?