error in compilation with gfortran 5.4.0, -march=native

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Quote:Edoapra Dec 9th 5:40 pm
Quote:Ylniu Dec 9th 5:23 am
Thanks very much for your so quick reply! It is a pity that I can compile successfully with gfortran 4.4.7 with the options "-march=native -mtune=native". But it failed with gfortran 5.4.0. And it is hard to google the detail of such options for me. Now I know that the drawback of the degradation in performance. And thanks again for your kindly reply.

The options "-march=native -mtune=native" are used only for gfortran 4.6 and later

Your failure is due to the fact that the gfortran 5.4.0 requires a more recent version of /usr/bin/as
See related question

Thanks for your explanation! The original gcc version of my linux system is gcc-4.4.7. I setup new gcc-5.4.0 in the directory: /opt/gcc-5.4.0. But I don't know how to obtain new as (different from /usr/bin/as) from the compilation of gcc-5.4.0. Can you provide some clues to get a new version of "as" command?