Help with non-standard MPI compiler

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OK... I think I found a workaround. I'm posting this for the sake of anyone else who might need it.

I made a directory called ~/override and placed it at the beginning of my path by adding


to my .bashrc file. Next, I added an executable script called 'mpicc' to this directory that contains the following:

/opt/FJSVcltk/bin/mpicc -pc $@

(where /opt/FJSVcltk/bin is the directory where the mpicc executable lives). I had to do the same for f77 and ar. It was necessary to do this rather than just putting aliases into my .bashrc, because make seemed not to want to use any of my aliases. Once I'd set up my "override" scripts, however, mpicc, ar, and f77 all behaved as they should.

I'm having some trouble with ARMCI now, but that's probably a question for my local HPC support people...

