CCSD(T) calculation with fraction occupation numbers

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I would like to compute the energy of a spherically symmetric carbon atom as reference atomic energy.
In DFT I would define a fractional occupation and this works fine.
However, when I do this in combination with a TCE task for a CCSD(T) calculation, I get many NANs.
Is there a way I can get this to work ?

Many thanks !


Here is a minimal version of my input

start c
title "carbon"

geometry units angstrom noautoz noautosym
  C  0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000
  symmetry c1

 * library 6-31+g*

  print "final vectors analysis"
  fon partial 3 electrons 2.0 filled 2
  xc hfexch


task tce energy

And the output

argument  1 = input.nw

============================== echo of input deck ==============================
start c
title "carbon"

geometry units angstrom noautoz noautosym
  C  0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000
  symmetry c1

 * library 6-31+g*

  print "final vectors analysis"
  fon partial 3 electrons 2.0 filled 2
  xc hfexch


task tce energy


             Northwest Computational Chemistry Package (NWChem) 6.1.1
                    Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
                       Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
                                Richland, WA 99352
                              Copyright (c) 1994-2012
                       Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
                            Battelle Memorial Institute
             NWChem is an open-source computational chemistry package
                        distributed under the terms of the
                      Educational Community License (ECL) 2.0
             A copy of the license is included with this distribution
                              in the LICENSE.TXT file

            This software and its documentation were developed at the
            EMSL at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a multiprogram
            national laboratory, operated for the U.S. Department of Energy
            by Battelle under Contract Number DE-AC05-76RL01830. Support
            for this work was provided by the Department of Energy Office
            of Biological and Environmental Research, Office of Basic
            Energy Sciences, and the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing.

           Job information

    hostname      =
    program       = nwchem
    date          = Mon Nov 21 22:21:11 2016

    compiled      = Thu_May_16_10:50:54_2013
    source        = /scratch-local/tmp.KMlejPjj72/nwchem-6.1.1-src
    nwchem branch = 6.1.1
    input         = input.nw
    prefix        = c.
    data base     = ./c.db
    status        = startup
    nproc         =        1
    time left     =     -1s

           Memory information

    heap     =   13107201 doubles =    100.0 Mbytes
    stack    =   13107201 doubles =    100.0 Mbytes
    global   =   26214400 doubles =    200.0 Mbytes (distinct from heap & stack)
    total    =   52428802 doubles =    400.0 Mbytes
    verify   = yes
    hardfail = no 

           Directory information
  0 permanent = .
  0 scratch   = .
                                NWChem Input Module

 Scaling coordinates for geometry "geometry" by  1.889725989
 (inverse scale =  0.529177249)

                             Geometry "geometry" -> ""
 Output coordinates in angstroms (scale by  1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)
  No.       Tag          Charge          X              Y              Z
 ---- ---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
    1 C                    6.0000     0.00000000     0.00000000     0.00000000
      Atomic Mass 
      C                 12.000000

 Effective nuclear repulsion energy (a.u.)       0.0000000000

            Nuclear Dipole moment (a.u.) 
        X                 Y               Z
 ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     0.0000000000
            XYZ format geometry
 C                     0.00000000     0.00000000     0.00000000
  library name resolved from: environment
  library file name is: </hpc/sw/nwchem-6.1.1-intel-impi/data/libraries/>

 Summary of "ao basis" -> "" (cartesian)
       Tag                 Description            Shells   Functions and Types
 ---------------- ------------------------------  ------  ---------------------
 *                          6-31+g*                   on all atoms 

  xc_inp: hfexch multiplicative factor not found.
                                 NWChem DFT Module
                      Basis "ao basis" -> "ao basis" (cartesian)
  C (Carbon)
            Exponent  Coefficients 
       -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
  1 S  3.04752490E+03  0.001835
  1 S  4.57369510E+02  0.014037
  1 S  1.03948690E+02  0.068843
  1 S  2.92101550E+01  0.232184
  1 S  9.28666300E+00  0.467941
  1 S  3.16392700E+00  0.362312
  2 S  7.86827240E+00 -0.119332
  2 S  1.88128850E+00 -0.160854
  2 S  5.44249300E-01  1.143456
  3 P  7.86827240E+00  0.068999
  3 P  1.88128850E+00  0.316424
  3 P  5.44249300E-01  0.744308
  4 S  1.68714400E-01  1.000000
  5 P  1.68714400E-01  1.000000
  6 S  4.38000000E-02  1.000000
  7 P  4.38000000E-02  1.000000
  8 D  8.00000000E-01  1.000000

 Summary of "ao basis" -> "ao basis" (cartesian)
       Tag                 Description            Shells   Functions and Types
 ---------------- ------------------------------  ------  ---------------------
 C                          6-31+g*                  8       19   4s3p1d

  Caching 1-el integrals 
            General Information
          SCF calculation type: DFT
          Wavefunction type:  closed shell.
          No. of atoms     :     1
          No. of electrons :     6
           Alpha electrons :     3
            Beta electrons :     3
          Charge           :     0
          Spin multiplicity:     1
          Use of symmetry is: off; symmetry adaption is: off
          Maximum number of iterations:  30
          AO basis - number of functions:    19
                     number of shells:     8
          Convergence on energy requested: 1.00D-06
          Convergence on density requested: 1.00D-05
          Convergence on gradient requested: 5.00D-04
              XC Information
                     Hartree-Fock (Exact) Exchange  1.000          
          Convergence Information
          Convergence aids based upon iterative change in 
          total energy or number of iterations. 
          Levelshifting, if invoked, occurs when the 
          HOMO/LUMO gap drops below (HL_TOL): 1.00D-02
          DIIS, if invoked, will attempt to extrapolate 
          using up to (NFOCK): 10 stored Fock matrices.

                    Damping( 0%)  Levelshifting(0.5)       DIIS
                  --------------- ------------------- ---------------
          dE  on:    start            ASAP                start   
          dE off:    2 iters         30 iters            30 iters 

      Screening Tolerance Information
          Density screening/tol_rho: 1.00D-10
          AO Gaussian exp screening on grid/accAOfunc:  14
          CD Gaussian exp screening on grid/accCDfunc:  20
          XC Gaussian exp screening on grid/accXCfunc:  20
          Schwarz screening/accCoul: 1.00D-08

      Superposition of Atomic Density Guess
 Sum of atomic energies:         -37.66349163
      Non-variational initial energy

 Total energy =     -37.307831
 1-e energy   =     -50.396409
 2-e energy   =      13.088579
 HOMO         =      -0.078504
 LUMO         =      -0.078504
   Time after variat. SCF:      0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
   Time prior to 1st pass:      0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01

 #quartets = 6.660D+02 #integrals = 3.754D+03 #direct =  0.0% #cached =100.0%

 Integral file          = ./c.aoints.0
 Record size in doubles =    65536    No. of integs per rec  =    43688
 Max. records in memory =        2    Max. records in file   = ********
 No. of bits per label  =        8    No. of bits per value  =       64

           Memory utilization after 1st SCF pass: 
           Heap Space remaining (MW):       12.97            12974726
          Stack Space remaining (MW):       13.11            13107002

   convergence    iter        energy       DeltaE   RMS-Dens  Diis-err    time
 ---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- ---------  ------
 d= 0,ls=0.0,diis     1    -37.3308286450 -3.73D+01  9.72D-03  2.32D-02     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     2    -37.3347878085 -3.96D-03  2.44D-03  2.49D-03     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     3    -37.3359033348 -1.12D-03  3.00D-04  3.62D-05     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     4    -37.3359334454 -3.01D-05  2.53D-04  1.31D-05     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     5    -37.3359487900 -1.53D-05  1.48D-04  4.69D-06     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     6    -37.3359562970 -7.51D-06  1.04D-04  2.10D-06     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     7    -37.3359597130 -3.42D-06  7.03D-05  9.90D-07     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     8    -37.3359612063 -1.49D-06  4.51D-05  5.10D-07     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     9    -37.3359618574 -6.51D-07  2.94D-05  2.38D-07     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis    10    -37.3359621395 -2.82D-07  1.91D-05  1.02D-07     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis    11    -37.3359622585 -1.19D-07  1.24D-05  4.34D-08     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis    12    -37.3359623087 -5.02D-08  8.03D-06  1.85D-08     0.0
     FON applied
     tr(P*S):    0.6000000E+01

         Total DFT energy =      -37.335962329892
      One electron energy =      -49.836947051407
           Coulomb energy =       17.113636239181
    Exchange-Corr. energy =       -4.612651517666
 Nuclear repulsion energy =        0.000000000000

 Numeric. integr. density =        0.000000000000

     Total iterative time =      0.0s

                       DFT Final Molecular Orbital Analysis
 Vector    1  Occ=2.000000D+00  E=-1.149522D+01
              MO Center=  6.1D-18, -3.1D-17,  1.1D-17, r^2= 2.7D-02
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     1      0.996611  1 C  s          
 Vector    2  Occ=2.000000D+00  E=-7.890989D-01
              MO Center= -5.3D-16,  8.9D-16, -4.3D-16, r^2= 8.1D-01
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     6      0.548387  1 C  s                  2      0.540074  1 C  s          
     1     -0.230254  1 C  s          
 Vector    3  Occ=6.666667D-01  E=-1.333291D-01
              MO Center=  2.6D-19, -1.2D-15,  3.1D-16, r^2= 1.7D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     4      0.527212  1 C  py                 8      0.431896  1 C  py         
    12      0.232746  1 C  py         
 Vector    4  Occ=6.666667D-01  E=-1.333291D-01
              MO Center=  2.5D-15,  2.5D-17,  1.0D-15, r^2= 1.7D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     3      0.505677  1 C  px                 7      0.414168  1 C  px         
    11      0.223604  1 C  px                 5      0.195534  1 C  pz         
     9      0.160149  1 C  pz         
 Vector    5  Occ=6.666667D-01  E=-1.333291D-01
              MO Center= -4.4D-17, -1.4D-16,  2.8D-16, r^2= 1.7D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     5      0.489527  1 C  pz                 9      0.400940  1 C  pz         
    13      0.216463  1 C  pz                 3     -0.202180  1 C  px         
     7     -0.165593  1 C  px         
 Vector    6  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 9.661162D-02
              MO Center= -1.3D-14, -2.7D-14,  8.0D-15, r^2= 7.1D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    10      1.429811  1 C  s                  6     -0.879663  1 C  s          
 Vector    7  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 1.376010D-01
              MO Center= -4.7D-17,  2.8D-14, -7.3D-15, r^2= 8.8D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    12      1.106223  1 C  py                 8     -0.496204  1 C  py         
    13     -0.287101  1 C  pz                 4     -0.250644  1 C  py         
 Vector    8  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 1.376010D-01
              MO Center=  1.1D-14,  6.0D-16,  2.4D-15, r^2= 8.8D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    11      1.111379  1 C  px                 7     -0.498685  1 C  px         
    13      0.257230  1 C  pz                 3     -0.251994  1 C  px         
 Vector    9  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 1.376010D-01
              MO Center=  9.2D-16, -1.0D-15, -3.8D-15, r^2= 8.8D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    13      1.075826  1 C  pz                 9     -0.482733  1 C  pz         
    12      0.278859  1 C  py                11     -0.266123  1 C  px         
     5     -0.243933  1 C  pz         
 Vector   10  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 8.301595D-01
              MO Center=  1.7D-17, -1.4D-14,  3.6D-15, r^2= 2.6D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     8      1.333661  1 C  py                 4     -1.069829  1 C  py         
    12     -0.507220  1 C  py                 9     -0.346129  1 C  pz         
     5      0.277655  1 C  pz         
 Vector   11  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 8.301595D-01
              MO Center= -9.8D-16, -1.8D-17, -4.4D-17, r^2= 2.6D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     7      1.376804  1 C  px                 3     -1.104437  1 C  px         
    11     -0.523628  1 C  px         
 Vector   12  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 8.301595D-01
              MO Center= -1.4D-16,  1.0D-15,  4.0D-15, r^2= 2.6D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     9      1.332672  1 C  pz                 5     -1.069035  1 C  pz         
    13     -0.506844  1 C  pz                 8      0.345800  1 C  py         
     4     -0.277392  1 C  py         
 Vector   13  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 9.333498D-01
              MO Center=  7.6D-16,  1.2D-14, -8.1D-15, r^2= 2.8D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     6      2.471411  1 C  s                  2     -1.677811  1 C  s          
    10     -0.866111  1 C  s          
 Vector   14  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 1.892987D+00
              MO Center= -9.9D-17,  2.2D-17,  8.3D-17, r^2= 6.1D-01
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    14      0.864961  1 C  dxx               19     -0.810351  1 C  dzz        
    18     -0.420735  1 C  dyz        
 Vector   15  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 1.892987D+00
              MO Center= -7.4D-19,  5.1D-17,  2.0D-16, r^2= 6.1D-01
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    16      1.674422  1 C  dxz               15      0.434682  1 C  dxy        
 Vector   16  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 1.892987D+00
              MO Center= -2.2D-17,  4.1D-16, -3.4D-16, r^2= 6.1D-01
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    18      1.506747  1 C  dyz               17      0.419516  1 C  dyy        
    19     -0.419307  1 C  dzz               15      0.155765  1 C  dxy        
 Vector   17  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 1.892987D+00
              MO Center=  1.3D-16,  2.5D-17, -1.9D-17, r^2= 6.1D-01
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    15      1.669251  1 C  dxy               16     -0.433012  1 C  dxz        
 Vector   18  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 1.892987D+00
              MO Center= -8.0D-17,  2.8D-16, -1.2D-16, r^2= 6.1D-01
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    17      0.905338  1 C  dyy               18     -0.729463  1 C  dyz        
    14     -0.499997  1 C  dxx               19     -0.405340  1 C  dzz        
 Vector   19  Occ=0.000000D+00  E= 4.196659D+00
              MO Center=  2.6D-17, -9.8D-17,  4.3D-17, r^2= 7.7D-01
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function  
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     2      3.123767  1 C  s                 14     -1.787783  1 C  dxx        
    17     -1.787783  1 C  dyy               19     -1.787783  1 C  dzz        
     6      1.132946  1 C  s                  1     -0.447545  1 C  s          
    10     -0.316663  1 C  s          

 Parallel integral file used       1 records with       0 large values

                   NWChem Extensible Many-Electron Theory Module
                   This portion of the program was automatically
                  generated by a Tensor Contraction Engine (TCE).
                  The development of this portion of the program
                 and TCE was supported by US Department of Energy,
                Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Science.
                      TCE is a product of Battelle and PNNL.
              Please cite: S.Hirata, J.Phys.Chem.A 107, 9887 (2003).
            General Information
      Number of processors :     1
         Wavefunction type : Restricted Kohn-Sham
          No. of electrons :     6
           Alpha electrons :     3
            Beta electrons :     3
           No. of orbitals :    38
            Alpha orbitals :    19
             Beta orbitals :    19
        Alpha frozen cores :     0
         Beta frozen cores :     0
     Alpha frozen virtuals :     0
      Beta frozen virtuals :     0
         Spin multiplicity : singlet 
    Number of AO functions :    19
       Number of AO shells :     8
        Use of symmetry is : off
      Symmetry adaption is : off
         Schwarz screening : 0.10D-07
          Correlation Information
          Calculation type : Coupled-cluster singles & doubles w/ perturbation           
   Perturbative correction : (T)                                                         
            Max iterations :      100
        Residual threshold : 0.10D-06
     T(0) DIIS level shift : 0.00D+00
     L(0) DIIS level shift : 0.00D+00
     T(1) DIIS level shift : 0.00D+00
     L(1) DIIS level shift : 0.00D+00
     T(R) DIIS level shift : 0.00D+00
     T(I) DIIS level shift : 0.00D+00
   CC-T/L Amplitude update :  5-th order DIIS
                I/O scheme : Global Array Library
        L-threshold : 0.10D-06
        EOM-threshold : 0.10D-06
 no EOMCCSD initial starts read in
 READ_TA:    F
 READ_XA:    F
 READ_IN3:   F
            Memory Information
          Available GA space size is      26214039 doubles
          Available MA space size is      26213008 doubles
 Maximum block size        20 doubles

 tile_dim =     16

 Block   Spin    Irrep     Size     Offset   Alpha
   1    alpha     a      3 doubles       0       1
   2    beta      a      3 doubles       3       1
   3    alpha     a     16 doubles       6       3
   4    beta      a     16 doubles      22       3

 Global array virtual files algorithm will be used

 Parallel file system coherency ......... OK

 #quartets = 6.660D+02 #integrals = 3.754D+03 #direct =  0.0% #cached =100.0%

 Integral file          = ./c.aoints.0
 Record size in doubles =    65536    No. of integs per rec  =    43688
 Max. records in memory =        2    Max. records in file   = ********
 No. of bits per label  =        8    No. of bits per value  =       64

 Fock matrix recomputed
 1-e file size   =              361
 1-e file name   = ./c.f1              
 Cpu & wall time / sec            0.0            0.0
 tce_ao2e: fast2e=1
 half-transformed integrals in memory
 2-e (intermediate) file size =          356307
 2-e (intermediate) file name = ./c.v2i
 Cpu & wall time / sec            0.0            0.0
 tce_mo2e: fast2e=1
 2-e integrals stored in memory
 2-e file size   =           228290
 2-e file name   = ./c.v2              
 Cpu & wall time / sec            0.0            0.0
 do_pt =  F
 do_lam_pt =  F
 do_cr_pt =  F
 do_lcr_pt =  F
 do_2t_pt =  F
 T1-number-of-tasks                     1
 t1 file size   =               48
 t1 file name   = ./c.t1              
 t1 file handle =       -999
 T2-number-of-boxes                     2
 t2 file size   =             4608
 t2 file name   = ./c.t2              
 t2 file handle =       -996

 CCSD iterations
 Iter          Residuum       Correlation     Cpu    Wall    V2*C2
    1************************************     0.0     0.0     0.0
    2************************************     0.0     0.0     0.0
    3          Infinity******************     0.0     0.0     0.0
    4               NaN******************     0.0     0.0     0.0
    5               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                     5                     5
    6               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
    7               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
    8               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
    9               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   10               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    10                     5
   11               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   12               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   13               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   14               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   15               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    15                     5
   16               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   17               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   18               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   19               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   20               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    20                     5
   21               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   22               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   23               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   24               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   25               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    25                     5
   26               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   27               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   28               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   29               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   30               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    30                     5
   31               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   32               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   33               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   34               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   35               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    35                     5
   36               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   37               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   38               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   39               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   40               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    40                     5
   41               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   42               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   43               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   44               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   45               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    45                     5
   46               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   47               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   48               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   49               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   50               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    50                     5
   51               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   52               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   53               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   54               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   55               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    55                     5
   56               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   57               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   58               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   59               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   60               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    60                     5
   61               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   62               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   63               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   64               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   65               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    65                     5
   66               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   67               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   68               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   69               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   70               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    70                     5
   71               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   72               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   73               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   74               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   75               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    75                     5
   76               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   77               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   78               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   79               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   80               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    80                     5
   81               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   82               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   83               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   84               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   85               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    85                     5
   86               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   87               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   88               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   89               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   90               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    90                     5
   91               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   92               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   93               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   94               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   95               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                    95                     5
   96               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   97               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   98               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
   99               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
  100               NaN               NaN     0.0     0.0     0.0
 MICROCYCLE DIIS UPDATE:                   100                     5
 ccsd_energy_loc: maxiter exceeded      101
  current input line : 
    25: task tce energy
 This type of error is most commonly associated with calculations not reaching 
 convergence criteria
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

 For further details see manual section: