Large couplings for ET calcs

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I've been seeing some very large couplings when running the et task, and so I decided to try the example in the manual, a self-exchange reaction with He/He+ ([1]) with NWChem version 6.0. I tried two runs, one with the He 5 Angstroms apart, and one @ 10 Angstroms apart. Basis set was Ahlrichs_pVDZ, from the library.

I don't know what the geometry or basis were for the example given in the documentation. For reference the values are given as

Electronic energy of reactants     H(RR)      -5.3402392824
Electronic energy of products      H(PP)      -5.3402392824
Reactants/Products overlap         S(RP)      -0.0006033839
One-electron contribution         H1(RP)       0.0040314092
Two-electron integral screening (tol2e) : 6.03E-11
Two-electron contribution         H2(RP)      -0.0007837138
Total interaction energy           H(RP)       0.0032476955
Electron Transfer Coupling Energy |V(RP)|      0.0000254810
                                                      5.592 cm-1
                                                   0.000693 eV
                                                      0.016 kcal/mol

For 5 A, I see
 Electronic energy of reactants     H(RR)      -3.1919485760
 Electronic energy of products      H(PP)      -3.1919485759
 Reactants/Products overlap S(RP) :  1.00D+00
 One-electron contribution         H1(RP)      -4.6181893392
 Two-electron integral screening (tol2e) : 6.03D-11
 Two-electron contribution         H2(RP)       1.4262407635
 Total interaction energy           H(RP)      -3.1919485757
 Electron Transfer Coupling Energy |V(RP)|      2.1006474897
                                                  461038.768 cm-1
                                                   57.161559 eV
                                                    1318.177 kcal/mol

For 10 A, I see
 Electronic energy of reactants     H(RR)      -2.9537597557
 Electronic energy of products      H(PP)      -2.9537597556
 Reactants/Products overlap S(RP) :  1.00D+00
 One-electron contribution         H1(RP)      -4.3005260783
 Two-electron integral screening (tol2e) : 6.03D-11
 Two-electron contribution         H2(RP)       1.3467663226
 Total interaction energy           H(RP)      -2.9537597556
 Electron Transfer Coupling Energy |V(RP)|      0.7327601032
                                                  160822.231 cm-1
                                                   19.939428 eV
                                                     459.814 kcal/mol

Although the trend is as expected (coupling goes down with distance; @ tol2e=default 1e-7, the opposite happened), the couplings are much too large. Also, S=1, unlike the small negative number in the example.
Thanks for any help.

Input for the 5A job was:

start 8TNaEwO57SmBqwjO
permanent_dir /scratch/scratchdirs/cchang/8TNaEwO57SmBqwjO/perm
scratch_dir /scratch/scratchdirs/cchang/8TNaEwO57SmBqwjO/scr
TITLE "Test for ET module os NWChem"

geometry He nocenter noautoz
  He 0.0   0.0   0.0

geometry HeP nocenter noautoz
  He 5.0   0.0   0.0

geometry HeHeP nocenter noautoz
  He 0.0   0.0   0.0
  He 5.0   0.0   0.0

basis "ao basis" cartesian
   * library "Ahlrichs_pVDZ"

   singlet; uhf; vectors input atomic output He.movecs
charge 0
set geometry He
task scf

   doublet; uhf; vectors input atomic output HeP.movecs
charge 1
set geometry HeP
task scf

#ET reactants:
  doublet; uhf; vectors input fragment He.movecs HeP.movecs output HeA.movecs
set geometry HeHeP
task scf

#ET products:
  doublet; uhf; vectors input HeA.movecs reorder 2 1 output HeB.movecs
task scf

 tol2e 6.03e-11
 vectors reactants HeA.movecs 
 vectors products HeB.movecs
task scf et