Pipek-Mezey localization output is not documented

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With the help of EgorTrushin (thanks a lot!) and by comparing to the terminal output, the format of mov2asc is as follows:

Let N be the number of basis functions.
First, N occupation numbers, up to 3 in each line (supposedly if N/3 is not integer, then the last line with occupation numbers will not be full).
Then N eigenvalues.
Finally N eigenvectors each of size N (again, not sure if each eigenvector starts from a new line).
Last two values are the total SCF energy and nuclear repulsion energy.

ASCII part of .movecs:
    0.200000000000000E+01    0.200000000000000E+01    0.200000000000000E+01
    0.000000000000000E+00    0.000000000000000E+00    0.000000000000000E+00
   -0.110544313656806E+02   -0.110544290828113E+02   -0.110544284753984E+02
   0.117849117291811E+01    0.117849717833092E+01    0.117850221343180E+01
   0.912202618125009E-07   -0.232907191786075E-06   -0.109972836618029E-05
   -0.211955770460815E-02    0.209713735715346E-02    0.527219847662861E-03
   -0.224420203192950E+04    0.837570677639371E+04

Here is a relevant part of terminal output
      Final RHF  results 

         Total SCF energy =  -2244.202031929501
      One-electron energy = -19757.338765148339
      Two-electron energy =   9137.429956825124
 Nuclear repulsion energy =   8375.706776393714

             Final eigenvalues

    1  -11.0544
    2  -11.0544
    298    1.1785
    299    1.1785
    300    1.1785
                                 Final MO vectors

 global array: scf_init: MOs[1:300,1:300],  handle: -1000 

            1           2           3           4           5           6  
       ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
   1      -0.02529     0.07737    -0.03605    -0.08453    -0.05837     0.06251

          295         296         297         298         299         300  
       ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
 299      -0.19062     0.04948     0.05697     0.15658     0.08765     0.13066
 300       0.24404     0.00724    -0.06867    -0.19289    -0.17304    -0.08865

By comparing the terminal output of first MO to that in the .movecs, it appears that .movecs contains localized molecular orbitals (i.e. after applying unitary transformation).

I think this info should be added to README of mov2asc to save users from detective work.