Access DFT solution coefficients for LCAO from python

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Quote:Edoapra Aug 24th 8:46 pm
Denis, I am guessing what you are looking for are the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and occupation numbers, right?

I am new to LCAO, i normally do DFT ground state calculation using other approaches.
My understanding is the following: In LCAO one essentially search for unknown wavefunctions as a linear combination of atomic orbitals (thus the name), i.e.

\Psi_j = \sum_i C_{ij} N_i (r_i),

where C_{ij} are expansion coefficients and {N_i} is the basis (atomic orbitals). So what I am interested in are those coefficients C_{ij} with their correspondence to the actual basis used (like 3-21G).
Plus occupation numbers.