"rtdb open old failed" on BG/Q when old rtdb file exists

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I have run into an issue recently when running NWChem 6.6 on the Blue Gene/Q platform. When I try to restart a calculation that previously timed out, I receive the following error:
 rtdb_seq_open: ./second.db does not exist, cannot open old
 start: rtdb_open old failed                    0

I can reproduce this error any time I use the restart keyword, even if the rtdb already exists. Here is a minimal working example that reproduces this error:

 start first

 memory total 800 mb

   H	0.0000	0.0000	-0.5000
   H	0.0000	0.0000	 0.5000

   H library "6-311G**"

   xc b3lyp
   grid fine

 title "First calculation"
 task dft energy

This task completes successfully and produces the rtdb file first.db. I then copy this database, along with the .movecs file, to the same directory as second/nwchem.nw (renaming the files to second.db and second.movecs):
 restart second

 memory total 800 mb

 task dft energy

This job fails with the above error, even though second.db exists in the working directory.