"ccsd t: MA error sgl"

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Quote:Sean Aug 18th 6:34 am
Yes, that is a memory error. CCSD(T) requires more local memory so you need to increase the amount of memory that you allocate to stack. See, http://nwchemgit.github.io/index.php/Release66:TCE#Maximizing_performance

Thank you Sean! I will try it.

I also found a new setting described in section "CCSD(T)/CR-EOMCCSD(T) calculations with large tiles" of the document: tce:xmem, will this new directive help to solve the local memory limitation problem? how do I determine the suitable size for this directive?

It may be considered as a new feature request: is it possible to define different memory allocations at different stages of the calculation? e.g. using more memory in GA during calculation the CCSD and more local memory for the Triplet evaluation?

