dft directive help required

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I'm trying to calculate the bsse energy between 2 monomers (NH---OC). But I also want to include some other other atoms(with Cartesian coordinates) in the calculation environment. I have tried the following code to achieve this thing:

start dimer
geometry units angstrom
  #symmetry c1
  C 17.568 22.304 3.171 
  O 16.649 22.179 3.981 
  H 15.136 20.889 3.608 
  N 14.682 19.989 3.574 
  C 16.197 23.789 1.843  #extra atom
  N 17.430 23.048 2.052  #extra atom
  C 18.915 21.622 3.425  #extra atom
  C 16.265 19.154 5.205  #extra atom
  C 14.806 19.108 4.719  #extra atom
  C 13.987 19.660 2.469  #extra atom
  H 15.110 21.336 7.906  #extra atom
basis "ao basis"
  * library 6-31+g*
  bqN library N 6-31+g*
  bqH library H 6-31+g*
  bqO library O 6-31+g*
  bqC library C 6-31+g*
  xc m06-2X
  grid medium
  #convergence energy 1e-8
  iterations 5000
  mon first 1 2 
  mon second 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
task dft energy

This code however gave some unusual energy values as 100kcal/mol but ran without error !
My question is:
In such scenario, when I need to include more atom is it the correct directive to follow ?