fatal error in geom calc dihedral

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I calculate CDFT of a moleculear of 62 atoms , fatal error in geom_calc_dihedral occured as follows

                            internuclear dihedral angles
center 1 | center 2 | center 3 | center 4 | degrees
19 H | 1 C | 5 N | 2 C | 179.93
... ...
   6 Pd       |   7 N        |  11 C        |   5 N        |     0.06
fatal error in geom_calc_dihedral
mbaxbc 5.950284209926354E-004
mcbxcd 13.9845127888136
a coordinates 15.2677959032440 9.000000000090243E-006
b coordinates 10.7583661605949 -1.699999999990976E-005
c coordinates 7.13864542636145 -1.509999999999098E-004
d coordinates 10.0988601606376 -3.03333667777368
angle abc 179.997911359031
angle bcd 52.5417216081486
angle abd 99.6877275510057
angle acd 52.5405723513803
please report this data to:
geom_print_dih:geom_calc_dih death 911
current input line :
106: task dft optimize
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 

0:0:geom_print_dih:geom_calc_dih death:: 911
(rank:0 hostname:linux-qji0 pid:11367):ARMCI DASSERT fail. armci.c:ARMCI_Error():260 cond:0

Does anybody help me?