TCE error ival=4 problem

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Forum Vet
How much memory do you actually have per node, and how many processors per node?


Quote: Oct 3rd 6:07 pm
Hi Bert!

No I just mentioned core or atomic since I was not sure if there is a difference. I tried both options but only one at a time. Right now I am using 80 processors with, as far as I know, 4.5 GB per Processor but if that is an important parameter I could ask the admin of the cluster. The full input is

start Si11_II_CC

memory stack 2320 mb heap 180 mb global 2000 mb

geometry units angstroms
  Si  -3.13917621     1.04569897     0.00000000
Si -0.48608866 -2.05930346 0.00000000
Si -1.44054750 -0.17461559 -1.23279420
Si -0.91486947 2.10257468 0.00000000
Si 0.81574414 1.05614863 -1.29483629
Si 2.74618502 1.01873330 0.00000000
Si 0.55884417 -1.29069123 -2.07231568
Si 1.92586771 -1.28938713 0.00000000
symmetry cs

basis spherical
 si library 6-311g**

freeze atomic
io ga
2emet 3
tilesize 15

set tce:lineresp T
set tce:afreq 0.000
set tce:respaxis T T T

task tce energy

All the best
