total dft energy differs from partial energies

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Dear all, i'm facing either very serious lack in my theory background or compilation/nwchem problem. I did several calculations and just recently i noticed very strange thing (i checked three different calculations) - see part of my output below:

        Total DFT energy =    -1144.144378448133
One electron energy = -5654.477100400897
Coulomb energy = 2607.095668751906
Exchange-Corr. energy = -156.929943044225
Nuclear repulsion energy = 2058.598637126281
Numeric. integr. density = 178.000323079243

when you sum all the energies you get different number (?1145.7127...) than the one reported in Total DFT energy.
i've got this in all three calculations (probably all of them). Also, the difference in reported and "summed" energy is always different, approximately ~1.2 to 1.7 Hartrees. This is the input corresponding to the upper energies:

start dimerBO4-MM1c33_GO-B3LYP-321G

MEMORY stack 2600 heap 500 global 800 mb

title "beta-O4-dimer in ccl4, initial structure from oBabel weighted conf search (MM1) - c33, geometry optimization B3LYP 3-21G"

geometry units an print xyz autosym
H          1.09605       -2.24257       -1.90815
C          1.41847       -2.08854       -0.87674
C          1.84098       -3.17525       -0.07199
O          1.81819       -4.39938       -0.71640
C          2.26350       -2.93298        1.25811
O          2.79497       -3.97266        1.98226
C          2.10800       -1.64323        1.80510
O          2.33657       -1.45588        3.14564
C          1.74719       -0.58915        0.97642
H          1.73301        0.42869        1.34122
C          1.39752       -0.79060       -0.35917
C          0.90359        0.40502       -1.15331
C         -0.54163        0.75608       -0.75684
H         -1.16737       -0.14184       -0.68909
O         -1.10710        1.65905       -1.73269
H         -0.49837        1.18660        0.24421
C         -2.06553        2.54149       -1.28458
C         -3.01765        3.05298       -2.19910
O         -2.94863        2.67755       -3.52330
C         -4.00905        3.94736       -1.72167
H         -4.75432        4.37610       -2.37384
C         -4.06928        4.30063       -0.38461
H         -4.84743        4.97387       -0.04043
C         -3.11615        3.83955        0.49294
H         -3.13149        4.13319        1.53682
C         -2.10145        2.99245        0.04157
H         -1.34790        2.73593        0.77732
C          1.89481       -0.23345        3.71973
C          3.84170       -3.67014        2.90678
C          1.63138       -5.56450        0.09157
H          0.73470       -5.46345        0.71315
H          1.48749       -6.43465       -0.55333
H          2.51469       -5.79038        0.69721
H          3.54935       -4.04304        3.89421
H          4.75448       -4.18066        2.59112
H          4.12551       -2.61952        2.99152
H          2.32886        0.64722        3.23285
H          0.80152       -0.19671        3.70476
H          2.23703       -0.20924        4.75333
C         -3.98692        3.19145       -4.36561
H         -4.96530        2.79737       -4.06074
H         -3.81279        2.87185       -5.39740
H         -3.99778        4.28856       -4.37035
O          1.75905        1.51930       -0.84503
H          1.36853        2.29218       -1.28841
H          0.99887        0.22346       -2.22515
basis small
 * library 3-21G

basis large
 * library 6-31+G*

set "ao basis" small

 dielec 2.24

 xc b3lyp
 CONVERGENCE density 1e-8
 CONVERGENCE energy 1e-8
 GRID lebedev 90 14 ssf euler

 EPREC 1e-8
 GRMS 0.000004
 XYZ geomSteps_r2

task dft optimize

I really hope that i'm missing something. Thank you very much for help.