geometry optimization - Load of old vectors failed

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Dear all,
I'm doing geometry optimization of 46 atoms molecule in two steps - at first I do it with small basis set (3-21G) and then I proceed to larger one (6-31+G*). The problem I'm facing is that for the larger basis set I'm getting "Load of old vectors failed. Forcing atomic density guess" error for each GO step. My input is following:

start dimerBO4-MM1c2_GO-B3LYP-631+Gstar

MEMORY stack 5200 heap 1000 global 1600 mb
title "beta-O4-dimer in ccl4, initial structure from oBabel weighted conf search (MM1) - c2, geometry optimization B3LYP 6-31+G*"

geometry units an print xyz noautosym noautoz
 H     2.74728191    -1.87018077     0.49356313
 C     1.72555291    -1.97047424     0.15863115
 C     1.12899352    -3.24218872     0.17964039
 O     1.96933124    -4.25797191     0.60162743
 C    -0.19656223    -3.38790055    -0.24929258
 O    -0.79192717    -4.65958655    -0.30669082
 C    -0.91324611    -2.24393212    -0.67249208
 O    -2.22077430    -2.48421901    -1.08008852
 C    -0.31411507    -0.98971986    -0.67583103
 H    -0.86583681    -0.10748981    -0.96093248
 C     1.01908701    -0.85750889    -0.26635916
 C     1.69478932     0.50210090    -0.26732380
 C     1.22178953     1.37964278     0.89640709
 H     1.34188160     0.84978156     1.84355039
 O    -0.22475252     1.64120707     0.71069941
 H     1.79480222     2.30647875     0.89961233
 C    -0.65466895     2.96150475     0.56918867
 C    -0.10474974     3.85199495    -0.38003637
 O     0.94030871     3.35659764    -1.15210260
 C    -0.62972838     5.13932065    -0.49507947
 H    -0.21664636     5.82929823    -1.21832745
 C    -1.69899429     5.54906150     0.30861234
 H    -2.09428614     6.55189615     0.19986531
 C    -2.24828452     4.66929881     1.23895458
 H    -3.07503245     4.97682120     1.86749103
 C    -1.71336063     3.38480684     1.36765346
 H    -2.11074093     2.67964948     2.08652543
 C    -3.00477286    -1.34005795    -1.55237925
 C    -1.95620029    -4.84465172     0.59664725
 C     1.44330427    -5.55509670     1.05471651
 H     0.98066598    -6.10689918     0.23912070
 H     0.71601445    -5.42796803     1.86326679
 H     2.32230566    -6.08044581     1.43156313
 H    -2.73451143    -4.12344464     0.35070904
 H    -1.65328033    -4.73886515     1.64432851
 H    -2.30053072    -5.86292824     0.40972777
 H    -3.13695738    -0.59222366    -0.76298002
 H    -3.97084098    -1.75979957    -1.83304676
 H    -2.53541718    -0.86941768    -2.42299522
 C     1.56208176     4.25650905    -2.12795948
 H     1.99236445     5.13724910    -1.63921061
 H     0.84135268     4.57615503    -2.88859268
 H     2.35177257     3.66495837    -2.59038307
 O     3.13735166     0.39463213    -0.05091155
 H     3.51914450    -0.06909010    -0.84439266
 H     1.45671359     1.04924943    -1.18524217

#basis small
# * library 3-21G

 * library 6-31+G*

#set "ao basis" large

  xc b3lyp
  CONVERGENCE density 1e-8
  CONVERGENCE energy 1e-8
  GRID lebedev 90 14 ssf euler
  semidirect filesize 5000000 memsize 200000000 

 EPREC 1e-8
 GRMS 0.000004
 XYZ geomSteps

task dft optimize

and here is the corresponding part of the output:

 WARNING : Found     9 linear dependencies 
 S eigenvalue threshold:     1.00000E-05
 Smallest S eigenvalue :     3.82890E-07
 Largest  S eigenvalue :     9.55154E-06

 !! The overlap matrix has   9 vectors deemed linearly dependent with
 3.83D-07 1.03D-06 2.05D-06 2.71D-06 3.60D-06 4.79D-06 6.20D-06 8.02D-06

 !! nbf/nmo/basis-name mismatch 
           nbf= 500 nbf_file= 500
           nmo= 491 nmo_file= 490
           basis="ao basis" basis_file="ao basis"

  Either an incorrect movecs file was 
 specified, or linear dependence has changed,
  or the basis name was changed. 

 Loading old vectors from job with title :

beta-O4-dimer in ccl4, initial structure from oBabel weighted conf search (MM1) - c2, geometry optimization B3LYP 6-31+G*

  Load of old vectors failed.   Forcing atomic density guess

I also tried restarting the calculation from the previous optimization in smaller basis set projecting to larger basis with the same result.
Do you have anybody idea why is this happening?
thank you