Bert, I tried your suggestion. I'm still a bit stuck. I'm doing a calculation within the property module, and it calls the dynamic CPHF module followed by the CPHF module. The "set cphf: thresh" commands sets the correct tolerance for the dynamic CPHF module, but it defaults back to 1d-4 for the second call. I apologize if I'm missing something obvious.
Thank you.
Sep 16th 4:23 pmYou can set the tolerance by "set cphf:thresh 1.0d-3". The convergence is by default 0.1*tolerance, but can be set by "set cphf:acc 1.0d-4".
Sep 16th 12:54 pmGreetings,
I was wondering if there was a way to change the tolerance and convergence criteria in the CPHF module. Specifically, I want to drop "tolerance = 0.10D-03" and "Convergence 1.0D-04" by a few orders of magnitude. Thank you.