Convergence problem with tiny molecule

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Forum Vet
The convergence problems you are facing are due to broken symmetry issue. What make things worse is that NWChem fails to detect the Td symmetry present in your molecule.
Here is a modified input that will get to convergence. The main changes are
1) Molecule rotated to make NWChem detect the Td symmetry
2) molecular orbital swap to prevent symmetry breaking

start molecule

title "Base test for TiN"

charge 0

geometry units angstroms print xyz
 N         1.02650   1.02650  -1.02650
Ti         1.02650   1.02650   1.02650
 N         1.02650  -1.02650   1.02650
Ti         1.02650  -1.02650  -1.02650
Ti        -1.02650   1.02650  -1.02650
 N        -1.02650   1.02650   1.02650
Ti        -1.02650  -1.02650   1.02650
 N        -1.02650  -1.02650  -1.02650

 * library 6-31G*
vectors input atomic swap 63 58

task scf optimize