SFT SCF Convergence Issues

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Forum Vet
Spherical basis
Here is a slightly modified input file. The main change is the use of the spherical functions (the default is cartesian)
This input will converge using NWChem 6.6
start b3lyp-d3 
title "b3lyp-d3"
  xc b3lyp
  disp vdw 3
  grid fine
  tolerances tight
 basis spherical
  * library def2-tzvp
C        1.005318590      1.005318590      0.000000000
C       -0.367972140      1.373290730      0.000000000
C       -1.373290730      0.367972140      0.000000000
C       -1.005318590     -1.005318590      0.000000000
C        0.367972140     -1.373290730      0.000000000
C        1.373290730     -0.367972140      0.000000000
C       -2.755662630      0.738377580      0.000000000
C       -0.738377580      2.755662630      0.000000000
C        2.017285050      2.017285050      0.000000000
C        2.755662630     -0.738377580      0.000000000
C        0.738377580     -2.755662630      0.000000000
C       -2.017285050     -2.017285050      0.000000000
C       -1.647866770     -3.390989410      0.000000000
C       -0.268400220     -3.760616360      0.000000000
C        2.112749590     -3.122589190      0.000000000
C        3.122589190     -2.112749590      0.000000000
C        3.760616360      0.268400220      0.000000000
C        3.390989410      1.647866770      0.000000000
C        1.647866770      3.390989410      0.000000000
C        0.268400220      3.760616360      0.000000000
C       -2.112749590      3.122589190      0.000000000
C       -3.122589190      2.112749590      0.000000000
C       -3.760616360     -0.268400220      0.000000000
C       -3.390989410     -1.647866770      0.000000000
C        4.400325600      2.664691500      0.000000000
C        5.143139500     -0.107527730      0.000000000
C        4.507853330     -2.478448000      0.000000000
C        5.484062450     -1.469450100      0.000000000
C        4.844177260     -3.878109980      0.000000000
C        3.878109980     -4.844177260      0.000000000
C        2.478448000     -4.507853330      0.000000000
C        1.469450100     -5.484062450      0.000000000
C        0.107527730     -5.143139500      0.000000000
C       -0.936453130     -6.134235560      0.000000000
C       -2.256125580     -5.780630400      0.000000000
C       -2.664691500     -4.400325600      0.000000000
C       -4.014612350     -4.014612350      0.000000000
C       -4.400325600     -2.664691500      0.000000000
C       -5.780630400     -2.256125580      0.000000000
C       -6.134235560     -0.936453130      0.000000000
C       -5.143139500      0.107527730      0.000000000
C       -5.484062450      1.469450100      0.000000000
C       -4.507853330      2.478448000      0.000000000
C       -4.844177260      3.878109980      0.000000000
C       -3.878109980      4.844177260      0.000000000
C       -2.478448000      4.507853330      0.000000000
C       -1.469450100      5.484062450      0.000000000
C       -0.107527730      5.143139500      0.000000000
C        0.936453130      6.134235560      0.000000000
C        2.256125580      5.780630400      0.000000000
C        2.664691500      4.400325600      0.000000000
C        5.780630400      2.256125580      0.000000000
C        6.134235560      0.936453130      0.000000000
H        5.901683530     -4.157440700      0.000000000
H        4.157440700     -5.901683530      0.000000000
H        1.752655390     -6.540998960      0.000000000
H       -0.649607490     -7.189728210      0.000000000
H       -3.032287510     -6.551291020      0.000000000
H       -4.788343570     -4.788343570      0.000000000
H       -6.551291020     -3.032287510      0.000000000
H       -7.189728210     -0.649607490      0.000000000
H       -6.540998960      1.752655390      0.000000000
H       -5.901683530      4.157440700      0.000000000
H       -4.157440700      5.901683530      0.000000000
H       -1.752655390      6.540998960      0.000000000
H        6.540998960     -1.752655390      0.000000000
H        7.189728210      0.649607490      0.000000000
H        6.551291020      3.032287510      0.000000000
C        4.014612350      4.014612350      0.000000000
H        4.788343570      4.788343570      0.000000000
H        3.032287510      6.551291020      0.000000000
H        0.649607490      7.189728210      0.000000000

 task dft optimize