I am having difficulty getting the SCF iterations to look like reasonable convergence is happening. I am used to handling typically difficult cases (e.g. anions and diffuse functions) in other programs (G09, ORCA, GAMESS). There seems to be very little information in the documentation or forums for dealing with presumably common convergence issues. The problem I am having is getting a medium sized system to converge. The guess looks reasonable but the SCF cycles always make some absurdly large step as shown below on the 5th SCF cycle. I have tried removing DIIS, changing levelshifting, changing integration grids, changing thresholds, turning off symmetry and reasonable combinations of those. The integrated density seems strange as there should be 342 electrons, a seemingly large discrepancy from the 342.2 or so. I had no issue with the geometry optimization using the def2-SVP basis set and I expect some potential issues relating using the larger def2-TZVP basis set and linear dependencies, but typically this problem results in the SCF nearly converging and oscillating.
Any ideas or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Brad Rose
SCF cycles:
convergence iter energy DeltaE RMS-Dens Diis-err time
---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ------
d=90,ls=0.0 1 -2069.2799221782 -8.49D+03 1.62D-03 143.5
Grid integrated density: 342.355072410021
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-06
d=90,ls=0.0 2 -2069.3288457699 -4.89D-02 1.60D-03 195.5
Grid integrated density: 342.319599138210
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-06
d=90,ls=0.0 3 -2069.3722852981 -4.34D-02 2.15D-03 247.5
Grid integrated density: 342.287673419738
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-06
d=90,ls=0.0 4 -2069.4109961586 -3.87D-02 4.15D+01 299.4
Grid integrated density: 342.222503260402
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-06
d=90,ls=0.0 5****************** -1.09D+06 2.43D+02 361.9
Grid integrated density: 342.200624706760
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-06
d=90,ls=0.0 6****************** -3.90D+07 2.19D+02 428.0
Grid integrated density: 342.180837722986
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-06
Sample input:
title "b3lyp-d3"
xc b3lyp
disp vdw 3
grid fine
tolerances tight
convergence ncydp 3 damp 90 nolevelshifting
* library def2-tzvp
C 1.005318590 1.005318590 0.000000000
C -0.367972140 1.373290730 0.000000000
C -1.373290730 0.367972140 0.000000000
C -1.005318590 -1.005318590 0.000000000
C 0.367972140 -1.373290730 0.000000000
C 1.373290730 -0.367972140 0.000000000
C -2.755662630 0.738377580 0.000000000
C -0.738377580 2.755662630 0.000000000
C 2.017285050 2.017285050 0.000000000
C 2.755662630 -0.738377580 0.000000000
C 0.738377580 -2.755662630 0.000000000
C -2.017285050 -2.017285050 0.000000000
C -1.647866770 -3.390989410 0.000000000
C -0.268400220 -3.760616360 0.000000000
C 2.112749590 -3.122589190 0.000000000
C 3.122589190 -2.112749590 0.000000000
C 3.760616360 0.268400220 0.000000000
C 3.390989410 1.647866770 0.000000000
C 1.647866770 3.390989410 0.000000000
C 0.268400220 3.760616360 0.000000000
C -2.112749590 3.122589190 0.000000000
C -3.122589190 2.112749590 0.000000000
C -3.760616360 -0.268400220 0.000000000
C -3.390989410 -1.647866770 0.000000000
C 4.400325600 2.664691500 0.000000000
C 5.143139500 -0.107527730 0.000000000
C 4.507853330 -2.478448000 0.000000000
C 5.484062450 -1.469450100 0.000000000
C 4.844177260 -3.878109980 0.000000000
C 3.878109980 -4.844177260 0.000000000
C 2.478448000 -4.507853330 0.000000000
C 1.469450100 -5.484062450 0.000000000
C 0.107527730 -5.143139500 0.000000000
C -0.936453130 -6.134235560 0.000000000
C -2.256125580 -5.780630400 0.000000000
C -2.664691500 -4.400325600 0.000000000
C -4.014612350 -4.014612350 0.000000000
C -4.400325600 -2.664691500 0.000000000
C -5.780630400 -2.256125580 0.000000000
C -6.134235560 -0.936453130 0.000000000
C -5.143139500 0.107527730 0.000000000
C -5.484062450 1.469450100 0.000000000
C -4.507853330 2.478448000 0.000000000
C -4.844177260 3.878109980 0.000000000
C -3.878109980 4.844177260 0.000000000
C -2.478448000 4.507853330 0.000000000
C -1.469450100 5.484062450 0.000000000
C -0.107527730 5.143139500 0.000000000
C 0.936453130 6.134235560 0.000000000
C 2.256125580 5.780630400 0.000000000
C 2.664691500 4.400325600 0.000000000
C 5.780630400 2.256125580 0.000000000
C 6.134235560 0.936453130 0.000000000
H 5.901683530 -4.157440700 0.000000000
H 4.157440700 -5.901683530 0.000000000
H 1.752655390 -6.540998960 0.000000000
H -0.649607490 -7.189728210 0.000000000
H -3.032287510 -6.551291020 0.000000000
H -4.788343570 -4.788343570 0.000000000
H -6.551291020 -3.032287510 0.000000000
H -7.189728210 -0.649607490 0.000000000
H -6.540998960 1.752655390 0.000000000
H -5.901683530 4.157440700 0.000000000
H -4.157440700 5.901683530 0.000000000
H -1.752655390 6.540998960 0.000000000
H 6.540998960 -1.752655390 0.000000000
H 7.189728210 0.649607490 0.000000000
H 6.551291020 3.032287510 0.000000000
C 4.014612350 4.014612350 0.000000000
H 4.788343570 4.788343570 0.000000000
H 3.032287510 6.551291020 0.000000000
H 0.649607490 7.189728210 0.000000000
task dft optimize