vscf cycle crashing: could not allocate l XTRIPV

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Dear all,
I'm trying to run geometry optimization + anharmonic IR spectra calculation (VSCF), however, my calculation crashes each time, with the same error. I was running locally (laptop, running on 2 or 3 cores, with up to ~6GB of memmory) as well as on cluster (running on 8 cores, intel xeon E5-2560 with 32GB available memory). For my last trial I tried to ran geometry optimization at first and then I restarted the VSCF from that calculation:
first input:
start molecule

title "4-methylphenol energy minimization + IR spectra calculation"

geometry units au print xyz autosym
  H        2.1914962952     -1.3970666668      4.0452931182
  C        1.1916909601     -1.1912840194      2.2621624211
  C       -1.4404087723     -1.0848983897      2.2484753194
  H       -2.4685486028     -1.2113941558      4.0233068722
  C       -2.7504683434     -0.8191583664     -0.0267491475
  C       -1.4028719221     -0.6693058347     -2.2904910771
  H       -2.3998520450     -0.4698363912     -4.0763004662
  C        1.2289365600     -0.7755211424     -2.2785672438
  H        2.2660822471     -0.6562602010     -4.0487647648
  C        2.5289935452     -1.0354644464     -0.0029920510
  O        5.1025300015     -1.1387462849     -0.0042002229
  H        5.7249113246     -1.3216303357      1.7179294076
  C       -5.6180827238     -0.7112484207     -0.0411499468
  H       -6.3027378902      0.4340354462     -1.6165218529
  H       -6.4043034486     -2.6105107571     -0.2275809157
  H       -6.3318469849      0.1199546563      1.7086311207

 * library 6-31+G*

 xc b3lyp
 CONVERGENCE density 1e-8
 CONVERGENCE energy 1e-8
 GRID lebedev 90 14 ssf euler

 EPREC 1e-8
 GRMS 0.000004
 XYZ geomSteps

task dft optimize

second input (I copied the results of the previous input to new directory) was the same with added last line:
task dft vscf

output of the geometry optimization seems to be OK. Also, for previous calculations I specified (those running on cluster):
MEMORY total 3600 MB
which should result in ~28GB available memory. However, I could see, that threads use up to ~500MB of memory (even during the VSCF).
the error I obtain is:
vib:animation  F
 vscfm: could not allocate l_XTRIPV                 555
  current input line :
    45: task dft vscf
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

 For further details see manual section:

 vscfm: could not allocate l_XTRIPV                 555
 vscfm: could not allocate l_XTRIPV                 555
 vscfm: could not allocate l_XTRIPV                 555
 vscfm: could not allocate l_XTRIPV                 555
 vscfm: could not allocate l_XTRIPV                 555
 vscfm: could not allocate l_XTRIPV                 555
  current input line :
 vscfm: could not allocate l_XTRIPV                 555
  current input line :
  current input line :
  current input line :
  current input line :
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

(I'm trying to reproduce results done in Gaussian, published by other authors.) I'm don't know if the memory is really insufficient or there are some other problems.
Also, I'm new in the NWChem.
Thank you for help.