Nwchem-6.6.revision27645-src.2015-09-30: problems building against external ga

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Quote:Edoapra Oct 1st 9:14 am
1) I would rather keep the directory name to nwchem-6.6 (lowercase). Would it be hard to modify your rpm scripts?

2) your failure in compiling util_ga_version.F is due to the fact that you are using an external ga.
I will update the tarballs later today with pre-generated util_ga_version.F

1) I've already changed the spec file to use "nwchem-X.Y" (with X, Y being digits).
Please keep this convention for the releases (in addition to http://nwchemgit.github.io/Special_AWCforum/st/id1144/naming_convention_of_the_tar...)

2) the Nwchem-6.6.revision27646-src.2015-10-01 compiles and the large majority of doafewqmtests.mpi tests pass
on CentOS6, CentOS7 or Fedora.
For garev I use:

sed -i 's|garev=".*"|garev="Fedora/EPEL"|' src/util/util_ga_version.F