ECCE/ebuilder not running on Ubuntu 14.04 VM on Mac

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Gets Around
I don't know, and I'm not an expert on these things, but whenever I see a :0 I immediately suspect that it's related to X11.

Either way, as can be seen in previous threads on this forum, the first course of action -- and the one that's most likely to solve the issue -- is to compile ECCE on the machine you intend to run it on.

For compiling ECCE on debian wheezy, see e.g.
Note that on Jessie you will need to address the freetype2 issue -- see the last post of this thread,, and this messy blog post:

I suspect Ubuntu 14.04 is more similar to jessie than wheezy, given that the freetype issue popeed up in ubuntu 13-something-or-other.