BLAS, LAPACK not found while compiling NWchem 6.5 against Intel MKL on a LINUX cluster

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While building NWChem with my initial options, it failed to find the MKL BLAS, but used instead the BLAS from NWChem, and finished the compilation without errors. The binaries it produced are


notice that there are no "parallel" file.

with the following static libraires

libanalyze.a libcphf.a libetrans.a libnwctask.a libnwxc.a libproperty.a libspace.a
libband.a libdangchang.a libgradients.a libnwcutil.a libofpw.a libpspw.a libstepper.a
libblas.a libddscf.a libguess.a libnwdft.a liboptim.a libqhop.a libtce.a
libbq.a libdntmc.a libhessian.a libnwints.a libpaw.a libqmd.a libvib.a
libcafe.a libdplot.a liblapack.a libnwmd.a libpeigs.a libqmmm.a libvscf.a
libccca.a libdrdy.a libmcscf.a libnwpw.a libperfm.a librimp2.a
libccsd.a libdriver.a libmoints.a libnwpwlib.a libpfft.a libselci.a
libcons.a libesp.a libmp2.a libnwpython.a libprepar.a libsolvation.a

Is this the expected output for both bin and lib?

