cDFT convergencce issue

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Dear all,

I am doing CDFT calculation on Ethylene Carbonate (EC) and Li-ion system. I am using following script for assigning partial negative charges to the EC and partial positive charge on Li keeping overall system charge as neutral. I put lithium atom ~2A away from the EC molecule.

title "EC optimization"
memory total 4000 mb
charge  0
geometry units angstroms noautoz noautosym
 O                    -0.58741266     0.11862798    -0.87578063
 C                    -0.39419193    -0.03631447     0.43862913
 O                     0.90264924    -0.14939837     0.74715390
 C                     1.69985081     0.09607299    -0.43833839
 C                     0.67506303    -0.04499391    -1.56715815
 O                    -1.28932223    -0.06743043     1.24524471
 H                     2.11777752     1.10059924    -0.36036340
 H                     2.49735567    -0.64323621    -0.46802647
 H                     0.74640495     0.72877434    -2.32861155
 H                     0.67984445    -1.03246273    -2.03082429
 Li                   -1.84288538    -0.10465700     3.02813433
* library 6-311++G**

maxiter 1  
xyz final

iterations 1   
 xc b3lyp
 convergence nolevelshifting
 mult 2
 cdft 1 10 charge -0.2 
 cdft 11 11 charge 0.2 

task dft optimize

However, cDFT calculation always failed to optimize with the following error message-

CDFT failed to optimize the multipliers.


      1       -0.0017261087
      2        0.0017261087


CDFT failed to optimize multipliers, cdft_maxiter=       50


I also tried adding "set dft:cdft_maxiter 999" statement, but it didn't work. I run these simulations in both NWChem 6.3.2 version.

I would highly appreciate if anyone help me to figure out what is going wrong.

Thank you in advance.
